15. Explanation

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Audrey was tied up in a chair and was sitting in a room, we came in the room next to it with a one-way see through glass, I looked at Audrey, she was waiting patiently 'get in and ask her a few questions, can you do that?' Fury ordered and I nodded

I got to the door, took a deep breath and walked inside, her head turned and she saw me 'puppy' she said and I was again trembling, I walked over to the chair in front of her and sat down 'pup?' she asked 'ne m'appelle pas comme ça' (don't call me that) I mumbled and she looked at me 'dis-moi, pourquoi es-tu venu ici, pourquoi t'es-tu imposé à moi en me frappant' (tell me, why did you came here, why did you force yourself on me, punching me) I asked 'je te répondrai si tu t'assois sur mes genoux et m'embrasse' (i'll answer if you sit on my lap and kiss me) she said and I sighed, I stood up and I saw her eyes darken from lust

I sat down and looked into her eyes, I pulled her in for a short kiss 'you better start speaking' I said 'tu es à moi, you'll always be, when you left me I was really mad, I loved you but you didn't love me back, I gave you everything but it wasn't enough for you, I wanted to make sure that you know that, that is why I punished you when I was mad, it was because I love you puppy' she said

'I said not to call me that' I said and looked into her eyes 'why did you threaten the city?' I asked 'another kiss for an another answer' she said and I sighed, kissed her fast and motioned for her to speak 'I wanted to come to you, I knew you were an Avenger and by threatening the city you came' she said 'your crazy' I said and stood up, but she broke her cuffs and grabbed me

'don't go anywhere puppy, don't be disobedient like before, or do I have to punish you again?!' she said and my eyes widened, on that moment Nat and Wanda came running in, Wanda grabbed me from Audrey as Nat pushed her on the ground, S.H.I.E.L.D agents came in and took her away, Nat walked over to me, Wanda was on my left with her arms around me and Nat came on the right, she grabbed my shoulders 'your safe y/n' Nat said 'thanks' I choked out and started crying, Wanda moved her left hand to my face and caressed it

'let's get back' Nat said and I nodded, we walked out of the room and Wanda was still holding me by her, as we walked out we saw Audrey getting pulled away by some agents 'are you okay?' Fury asked 'yea-yeah I am okay' I said 'what did you find out?' he asked, I was still against Wanda and Nat came standing on the other side of me, rubbing my back 'well at first she came here and forced herself on me because, what she thinks is that I am hers and she loves me... she threatened new york in order to get closer to me, she knew I am an Avenger' I explained 'what did she do to you when you meant, forced herself on you?' Fury asked

'she is my toxic ex-girlfriend, shortly after I escaped the red room I planned to go to New York, but stopped by in France, there in a bar was Audrey, she was really sweet and we started dating, after a little while she started to get toxic, not letting me go to out, not letting me talk with others, she said it was to keep me safe from the red room, she would...' I said and took a deep breath 'she would fuck me until I couldn't walk..' I said and took once again a deep breath

'She used drugs on me to keep me from escaping her. I didn't leave at first because I thought I loved her, but she started hitting me and I wanted to break up with her, but she didn't allow me to, she said that without me she was nothing, she would kill herself, but the hitting kept coming back and I had to do something, I fled to New York and hid myself, not thinking she would find me again, and now it happened again...' I said and a few tears had escaped my eye, Nat wiped them away and I smiled softly at her

'wow y/n that is, that must be hard for you' Fury said and I nodded while smiling faintly 'I think this was enough for today, girls would you be so kind to bring y/n to her room?' Fury asked 'yeah' Nat and Wanda said together, they walked with me to my room, when they wanted to leave I spoke up 'can at least one of you stay...' 'sure' Wanda said 'are you going?' Nat asked Wanda 'yeah sure, goodnight' she said and Nat nodded, then left, I changed into some shorts and an shirt and got on my bed

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now