10. Power

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-y/n's pov-

'y/n' I heard a voice, and turned around Wanda... 'who is that?' Ayla asked, I stared at the entrance 'y/n!' I heard her once again 'y/n who is that?!' Ayla asked, tempted to know 'Wanda...' I muttered and walked to the entrance, Ayla kept me back 'are you out of your mind?!' she shout-whispered 'get downstairs, i'll talk with her, get that thing into working' I said and gave her a reassuring look, she sighed, I only was on Ultron's side for my sister... 'I wanna talk to her, please, you both get downstairs' I said and they nodded, then got downstairs 'y/n!' Wanda once shouted and I walked out of the church, being careful 'Wanda..' I said and she looked towards me 'there you are' she said and walked over to me, stay strong, stay strong

she grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the church 'wha-' I said but she turned around, she opened her hand and red light came out of it, her eyes were also red 'walk with me, princess' she said and manipulated me, her words sent shivers down my body but after she said it I didn't have any control over my body, she took the control and we walked towards the jet 'Wanda what are-' Steve said but stopped mid sentence, Wanda grabbed both my arms and cuffed them behind my back, then stopped the manipulation and I finally had control over my body, Steve spoke up

'what were you doing with Ultron?' Steve asked, Wanda had with one hand a grip on my wrists which were on my back, her other hand was around my waist, to keep me against her 'you've killed my parents!' I shouted and started to squirm, I couldn't handle it anymore 'you fucking killed them!' I shouted but Wanda's hand moved from my waist to my mouth, she put it over my mouth to shut me down 'shh' she said in my ear, the others stood behind Steve, he was standing in front of me

Steve looked at Tony 'y/n your parents have sent you to the red room, they were bad, when we blew up an red room base they were inside' Steve said 'NO YOUR LYING' I shouted, my shoutings were muffled into Wanda's hand, tears started to stream down my face 'WANDA LET ME GO!' I shouted and used my powers to push her away, she flew back and I looked at her, she was panting  'y/n, listen to us!' Nat shouted 'no!' I shouted and tried to break the cuffs, but it was no use

-Wanda's pov-

I manipulated y/n to walk with me 'walk with me, princess' I said and it gave her shivers, we walked to the jet 'Wanda what are you-' Steve spoke up but I stopped him mid sentence, I cuffed y/n's arms behind her back and took with one hand a grip on them and the other snaked around her waist, I stopped the manipulation, Steve asked her why she was with Ultron, but she answered with that he killed her parents 'NO UR LYING' y/n shouted, the shouting was muffled because of my hand, it really broke me, to see the love of my life, shout and cry

suddenly I was pushed back by her powers, and saw that she wanted to break the cuffs, I quickly stood up and wrapped both my arms around her waist, whispering in her ear 'draga, ubio je tvoje roditelje da bi te spasio, bili su loši ljudi' (darling, he killed your parents in order to safe you, they were bad people) I sooted, I knew she could understand me 'ne... nije moguće' (no... it isn't possible) I spoke back

I spinned her around and looked deeply in her eyes 'Ne želim da iznevjerim svoju sestru...' (I don't want to let my sister down...) she said and I nodded 'Ultron wants to destroy the earth' Steve spoke up and I nodded 'y/n' I heard Ultron's voice 'get out of here' she said to me and got out of me grip, took a few steps back, then walked over to her sister

-y/n's pov-

I didn't want to leave, I was safe in Wanda's arms, but as soon as I heard Ultron's voice I had to get to my sister 'get out of here' I whispered and got away from her, I walked towards my sister and she helped to get me free from the cuffs, all the Avengers stood ready to fight, I stood with my head low 'возглавить' (head up) Ayla said and I looked at her, then at Natasha she heard it too

then many smaller robots came out of nowhere and they started attacking the Avengers, Ultron laughed 'сестра, я не уверен в этом' (sister, I am not sure about this) I said 'y/n, соберитесь ради бога, что они сказали несколько словечек не значит, что они хорошие, они все равно убили наших родителей' (y/n, get yourself together for god sakes, that they said some small words doesn't mean that they are good, they still killed our parents) she hissed, I shook my head 'нет, они убили наших родителей, потому что они были плохими, они отправили меня в красную комнату' (no, they killed our parents because they were bad, they sent me to the red room) I said and looked at Nat, she smiled proudly, my sister grunted

'I bet you are brainwashed like in the red room, y/n get yourself fucking together, they are bad' Ayla shouted, I then got a massive headache like last time, I saw how the world was destroyed, Ultron was laughing while Ayla and I were severely injured, the Avengers were all dead. Ayla helped me up, in the meantime the avengers were busy with fighting Ultron's sidekicks, Ultron stood next to us 'you two okay?' Ultron asked us and I looked at him, then at the Avengers, a robot sneaked up behind Wanda who was busy taking out an another robot, I quickly raised my hand and destroyed the robot

'why did you do that?' Ultron asked 'they killed our parents because they were bad, they sent me to the red room, the Avengers are fighting to save people, Ayla I don't want to let you down but I ain't doing this' I said and quickly ran to Nat, she was fighting but also looking at us 'good choice' she said and I nodded, then went to help Wanda 'sorry' I said as she saw me 'draga...' she said, I looked over to Ayla and Ultron, I then blast my power at Ultron and he fell back, I glanced over to Ayla but took my focus back on Ultron

I got rage and my power became more powerful and more powerful, Ayla took a few steps back from Ultron and everyone stopped with fighting, even Ultron's robots, I don't know what happened but when I hit a certain point in my energy Ultron exploded and a big wave of energy waved over us all, I fell to the ground 'y/n!' they all shouted, my eyelids were heavy, I felt tired, it felt like I almost died

I looked at my sister 'скоро увидимся' (i'll see you again soon) she said and ran off to who knows where 'i'm sorry' I choked out, Nat, Wanda, Peter and Steve sat on the ground around me 'y/n stay with us' Steve said and Wanda stroked my arm 'принцесса, держи глаза открытыми' (princess, keep your eyes open) I heard Nat's russian voice, my eyelids grew heavier and heavier, then closed 'draga...' I heard Wanda's voice.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now