7. Wanda And Agents

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-y/n's pov-

I woke up with an massive headache, I sat up and tried to remember what had happened the day before, after I was in 7 minutes in heaven with Natasha I started drinking... and after I was drunk I was being brought up to my room by Wanda... then it hit me 'I've told her what my powers were...' I muttered and got out of me bed but fell onto the ground of the dizziness

Someone burst in 'oh gosh, you okay?' I heard Wanda's voice and I groaned, she helped me up and in bed, then quickly grabbed painkillers, when she came back I didn't say anything, I was imagining in my head how they would kill me, torture me...

She got on the bed and shook me 'y/n, we aren't going to hurt you, I promise' she said and I looked in her eyes, she opened her arms and I engulfed in the hug, she grabbed my waist and placed me on her lap, I had my head in the crook of her neck and was sobbing softly, after I calmed down I looked into her brown eyes, she then pulled me close and locked our lips

She got on the bed and shook me 'y/n, we aren't going to hurt you, I promise' she said and I looked in her eyes, she opened her arms and I engulfed in the hug, she grabbed my waist and placed me on her lap, I had my head in the crook of her neck a...

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(blonde haired is Wanda, brown hair is y/n cuz she was sitting on her lap)

after a little we pulled away and Wanda had a smile on her face 'we will protect you, I will protect you, my draga' she said and I knew that she saw that I blushed 'let's get you some breakfast' she said and picked me up, then walked away 'Wanda I can walk' I pouted and she laughed when we came in the kitchen, Natasha was there, sipping her coffee and Wanda put me down 'thanks' I said and turned around

'oh hey goodmorning!' I said to Natasha 'morning' she said and left, I didn't know what was wrong with her but okay 'okay, you sit down' Wanda said and grabbed my waist, pulling me to the chair 'I can handle it by myself' I said and laughed 'but I wanna do it' she said and smiled at me, then started making food, she grabbed yogurt, strawberries, granola, a bowl and a spoon, then prepared it for me 'don't you eat?' I asked when she put it in front of me 'I'll just steal some of yours' she said and grabbed some yogurt on her finger, then smeared on my nose, I laughed and saw her smile

-Natasha's pov-

I was standing in the kitchen, I had an headache but not that big, I stopped on time, I then heard Y/n's laugh and I stood straight up, only to be greeted by her and Wanda, her in Wanda's arms, she didn't see me yet, but Wanda did, Wanda put her down and y/n turned around 'oh hey goodmorning!' she said with a good mood 'morning' I said and left, I couldn't handle those two, I want y/n to be mine, not Wanda's, yeah Wanda is cute and I really like her but I just want Y/n to be mine.

I got to the training room, I had to punch my anger out, I started punching the punching bag and thought about y/n, how to make her mine

-Wanda's pov-

she is only a day an avenger but oh she is so amazing I thought, I watched y/n as she was eating her yogurt, giving me a few scoops every once in a while, she looked up and saw me staring 'Wands?' she asked 'yeah?' I said 'you are staring' she said and chuckled, I shook my head and chuckled with her 'goodmorning' we heard Steve's voice 'morning' we said and y/n gave me a scoop of yogurt with an strawberry 'what did I miss?' Steve asks

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now