22. Wrong Move

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A/n: I've published this one a few times but every time I get the idea that I miss some things so I will unpublish it probably a few times more until I am happy hehehe.

-few weeks later (y/n's pov)-

We were on a mission in New York, there was an man walking freely as he was scaring citizens, we had to find the figure and eliminate him because he was someone from Hydra. I was walking with Tony and Steve as we were undercover as citizens, suddenly Steve saw someone doing suspicious actions, it had a hoodie on and walking suspiciously

We quickly walked towards the figure but when it sighted us it started to run 'we think have the suspect, he is running south' Steve commands as we get after him, I ditched my jacket and my suit was under it, Steve does the same and Tony turns into iron man

I get onto the roofs as Steve runs through the streets and Tony is flying, out of an ally Sam comes flying out, Peter is swinging through the buildings and Nat runs on the roof of the building next to me, soon Rhodey, Wanda, Vision, Thor, Clint and Bruce join us as we chase the figure, I see that it runs to the left so I run directly to my left, I jump off of the building in front of the figure, I look up and he looks terrified but yet powerful, the others catch up and we push him into a corner. Suddenly I feel something, I don't have control over my body and I see white

Thor attacks with his powers but I jump in front of the man, I fall to the ground and I get control of my body as the figure runs away 'see what you've done y/n, now he is gone!' Steve shouts, I turn around to see that the man is gone, I immediately regret what i've done, Wanda walks over to me and I quickly stand up 'how can you possibly be this useless?!' she says as she grabs harshly my shoulders, clearly mad 'I-' I stutter and Tony sighs 'how can you fuck up so bad?!' Tony grunts as he paces up and down, I take a few steps back 'gosh y/n!' Nat says, everyone is frustrated as I am still trying to understand what had happened

I turn my head to where the man stood a few seconds ago and look to my team, I sigh 'I... sorry' I mutter as I turn around walking a bit away 'you aren't going anywhere, we are going back.' Steve says but I look over my shoulder, then bend a wall in behind me and quickly I fly away, tears escaped my eyes as my team is looking at me, soon they decide to chase me, I throw my earpiece on the ground and jump through an open window into an building

It is an old building so no one is in it, I look to my left and see Peter swinging through an another window. 'y/n!' I hear him shout, others start shouting my name as well, they are really mad, I defend myself by firing my powers at them 'get away!' I shout and run to the roof of the building as Wanda lands in front of me but I start to fight against her, throwing my powers at her, she is blocking them and firing them back

Suddenly someone is behind me and I duck and turn around, Steve is throwing some punches at me as I am ducking most of them, then I get blasted, Tony, I try to use my powers to defend myself, the blast stops

I am kind of relieved but then I feel a high beep in my ear and scream it out, Vision is using his powers, I try to open my eyes and Wanda attacks me with her powers, I fall back onto the ground in pain but luckily I manage to stop Vision from hurting me and I try to focus on Wanda, I quickly stand up with pain in my legs and now Steve is joining her so I have to multitask, soon Natasha also joins, I have to fight against three people and it is hard, also the injuries aren't helping much

But then I get punched in my stomach 'shit, BRUCE!' I hear Natasha shout before I fall backwards off of the building, through a wall and land on the ground, I grunt as they all rush down to me, Wanda walks over to me but I flinch as she reaches out to me 'draga...' she

'no, no please don't come near me, you'll hurt me...'  I mutter as everyone looks confused 'darling we won't hurt you' Nat says 'you just did...' I speak up, I stand up as the pain in my whole body is unbearable. I fall back down and my vision gets blurry.

-Natasha's pov-

y/n was running away, god why did she do that?! I asked myself in my head, I was mad and confused, she just jumped in front of that red room agent without even knowing him, we are now chasing her as she was running away, honestly I am confused why she ran away instead of telling us why she jumped in front of him. Peter tried shouting for her but she didn't react, Wanda lands on the building and I hear y/n shout 'get away!' she says

I get onto the building and watch from afar, I tried to get in the perfect time to attack her and disarm her, as y/n is busy with Wanda Steve is coming from her behind, she turns around and is focussing on Steve then she gets blasted by Tony which she is trying to reflect with her powers, then is it VIsion's part, he is blasting some high sounds and y/n is crying it out, she manages to stop Vision as Wanda and Steve join to attack her, I also join, my anger taking over suddenly Bruce runs to her and punches her in the stomach 'no... BRUCE!' I shout as I see y/n falling off of the building

We look as she falls through a wall onto the ground, her eyes closed. We rush to her and she opens her eyes and grunt 'draga...' Wanda mutters as she walks towards y/n, trembling, I am also shaking 'no, no don't come near me, you'll hurt me...' she mutters, that makes my heart shatter, we've hurt her... I walk next to Wanda 'darling we won't hurt you' I say 'you just did...' she speaks up, I look at Wanda who has tears in my eyes, I am trying to hold them as I see that y/n is trying to stand up, only she is unsuccessful and falls back down, her eyes roll to the back of her head

'y/n!' Wanda shouts and I quickly catch her, she is passed out 'she is passed out but is bleeding' I say as I look up from my lover to my team 'we need to get back' Steve orders and we rush to our cars and I put y/n on Wanda's lap who is in the passenger seat, I quickly ride back to the compound and we hurry y/n to the medbay, Bruce also rushes into medbay 'I am so sorry..' the team follows, Bruce starts checking y/n with worry

'four broken ribs, broken nose, her wrist is sprained and she has a slight concussion, cause of her powers it is harder for her to die of these causes' Bruce explains 'I am going to wrap things up. Wanda and Nat can you bring her to her room once I am done?' he asks and I look at Wanda 'of course' she answers, I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her 'she'll be okay' I whisper 'how could we be so dumb!?' Tony speaks up

'Tony we were clearly mad, don't be so hard for yourself' I say and he shakes his head 'I am done' Bruce speaks up, Wanda gently lifts y/n and we bring her to her room 'should we stay?' I ask when she lays y/n on her bed, under the covers 'she was clearly scared of us, I think we have to visit her when she awakes' Wanda says and I nod, we walk out of y/n's room to the living room, everyone is sitting on the couch, clearly in thought, Wanda and I sit down and I lay my head on her lap, we also start thinking about what we've done.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now