13. Drugged

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-next day (y/n's pov)-
We were in the meeting room and Fury was explaining what we had to do on our mission, Wanda and I had to go to a local coffee shop and look around, Sam and Steve would go undercover as cops while Tony, Peter and Rhodes would be on the roofs, looking for suspicious actions 'keep contact with each other when you see something' Fury said and he sent us off 'okay, change into clothes that wouldn't make you suspicious, but also making sure you are unrecognizable' Steve explained 'Wanda, y/n you go first so be ready in ten minutes' Steve said, I nodded and ran to my room

I opened my closet and grabbed a black turtleneck, blue jeans, a black jacket, curled my hair (speedy Gonzales or something) and put on a baseball hat. I got downstairs and Wanda was already waiting for me, as I was walking towards her she was checking me out 'okay let's go' I said, grabbed her hand and dragged her with me to the local coffee shop, we got inside and sat separate, I ordered a latte macchiato and Wanda cappuccino

We were just looking around but nothing seemed suspicious, I only saw a man that went into an ally and never came out but it wasn't concerning 'there is no one near us, I am going for a walk' I said as I stood up with my coffee (it was in those containers to take it with you, yk?) I walked to the exit when someone bumped into me, I turned around but they were gone 'weird...' I muttered and took a sip of my coffee, I walked out the door and walked towards the streets, I sipped my coffee but suddenly my vision became blurry 'I don't...' I said but lost consciousness

-Wanda's pov-
y/n was on her way out but someone bumped into her, I couldn't see who it was but the figure was gone when she turned around. Y/n walked out the door and sipped her coffee, I watched her as I heard her 'I don't...' she said as I saw her fall, I quickly stood up, pushing my chair to the ground and ran outside, she laid onto the ground 'y/n lost consciousness!' I said in my ear and saw Peter landed next to me 'oh god, oh god' he said as he saw y/n's state

'take her to the compound, I'll come after you' I said and he picked her up, then got into the way of the compound, I walked back into the coffee shop but the unknown figure was nowhere to be seen.
I started walking back, well half running, I didn't want to cause a scene but I wanted to be with y/n as soon as possible, when there weren't many people around me I started flying to the building, I ran inside, past everyone, Nat was sitting on the couch 'Wanda? where is y/n?' she asked as she stood up 'Peter brought her in, she suddenly passed out' I said as I ran towards med bay, y/n was laying on a bed while people were examining her 'what is wrong with her?!' I asked 'Wanda step back' Bruce said

'tell me what is wrong with her' I said 'she got drugged, we got the bad things out of her...' Bruce said but then Nat also came into med bay and interrupted him 'she got drugged?!' Nat said 'yes, but she is okay' Bruce said 'someone bumped into y/n, then quickly left, isn't that a little suspicious?' I said and Nat nodded in agreement 'she will wake up in a few moments' a girl said and left, Nat and I sat down on the bed next to y/n and waited until she woke up, a few moments later she woke up 'what happened?' she asked

'you got drugged, are you okay?' Nat asked before I could, my eyes glowed red 'yes, I am okay, only my head hurts'  she said and I chuckled lightly 'that person that bumped into you, maybe he or she had to do something with it' I explained 'that person wants me dead or something' y/n joked and I laughed softly, looking down at my hands

'let's get you to your room' I quickly said, stood up and lifted her up 'I can walk Wanda' she pouted and I laughed and ignored her, I walked into the corridor 'I am hungry..' she muttered and I chuckled 'then we will have a detour to the kitchen' I said and she nodded, we walked to the kitchen

I sat her down on the kitchen counter, then opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bowl of strawberries. I turned around and she jumped off of the counter 'thanks' she said and smiled, grabbing the bowl as I gave it to her 'can you walk properly by your own?' I asked her and she did a few steps, she was walking normal 'yes' she said as she spun around, I swear I saw her eyes flash but I brushed it off

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now