5. Training And Sleep

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-y/n's pov-
My clock started ringing and it was early, Tony wanted me to get up early to train, but like... 5A.M?! Why so early.

I groaned and walked over to my closet, I put on white shorts, a white cropped top and a gray/bluish sweater, sneakers and my hair in a high ponytail

I brushed my teeth and got to the kitchen, Wanda was sitting on the counter 'morning' I said and she smiled 'good morning' she said and yawned 'can I just grab something to eat?' I asked

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I brushed my teeth and got to the kitchen, Wanda was sitting on the counter 'morning' I said and she smiled 'good morning' she said and yawned 'can I just grab something to eat?' I asked

'Of course, you are now in our family so take whatever you want' she said and I smiled, I grabbed a bowl of yogurt, some fruit and pineapple juice, I sat down by the dinner table and Natasha came

'Morning' she said and I looked up to her, I smiled 'good morning!' I said, she smiled back and got food, I followed her path but when my eyes met Wanda's she looked mad why is she mad? Maybe I am just overthinking

When I was done with my breakfast I went down to train, no one was there yet so I taped my hands and started to give the punch bag some punches and kicks

-Wanda's pov-

Gosh she looks hot in those shorts, I followed her to the table and she started eating, while that, Nat came into the kitchen 'morning' she said 'good morning!' Y/n answered, Y/n's eyes followed Nat's trail but when she met mine I glared at her, I heard her think why is she mad?

I chuckled inside, when Y/n was done with her food she put her bowl in the sink and left, Nat sat onto the counter and we looked at each other 'what do you think of Y/n?' Nat spoke up 'she is an amazing agent, could be useful anytime soon' I answered

'Do you think she is hot?' Nat spoke 'yeah, she's hot' I blurted out, my eyes widened and Nat smirked 'no worries I find her hot too' she said and I sighed in relief

'I'll see you later, Nat' I said and jumped off the counter, then walked to the training room, Y/n was there already and was throwing punches and kicks to the punching bag, I stood against the doorpost, admiring her

After a little while she stopped and grabbed her water bottle, I walked in 'hey' I said and she startled 'sorry' I said and laughed 'it is nothing, I just get easily startled' she said and laughed, I love her laugh 'so how is training going?' I asked 'okay, I can work on my defense but that's all' she said and threw her water bottle away

'Ah Y/n you are already here' I hear Tony say, he just entered 'Yeah, I was a bit early' she says laughing 'okay, Nat, Peter and Steve will also train so just do your thing' Tony said 'on it boss' she says, giving him the finger guns, following him laughing, Y/n gets back with bag punching while Tony walks over to me

'She is adorably amazing' he says 'yeah, maybe we can do a little party tonight, for her, because she is new?' I suggested 'good idea, i'll ask JARVIS to enlighten the others' Tony says and I nod, he leaves to do some things and I start to train

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now