27. Stop

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-Wanda's pov-

she walks over to the edge, no she can't jump 'NO' I shout and run towards her, grabbing her around her waist, pulling her away from the edge, Nat and the others leave and I look into her eyes, there is no emotion. I roll up her sleeves and unwrap the bandages, then I see it, all of the cuts, deep ones, light ones they're there 'why? why, why, why, why, why, why' I ask her as I start sobbing, she just stands there I know she was self harming but drugs, and wheat? I never thought this of my baby

'n/n...' I say and engulf her with a hug, she doesn't return it 'why would you care, you've hurt me and I do the same to myself, what is the difference?' she asks 'I never wanted to hurt you, I lost control...' I admit 'you need to stop' I whisper to her 'you know I can't, it is the only way to take away the pain I feel when I am with the team...' she whispers back 'let us cure you, we will help you to feel better' I say but she shakes her head my baby... she is so lost...

'I don't know' she says 'let us try' I suggest, she doesn't reply 'i'll take that as a yes, n/n I love you with my whole heart, Nat does, we've missed you, we all were devastated, we didn't know you were taken over, we were blinded by anger...' I admit 'i'll try, but I keep my wheat' she says and I shake my head 'if we want to cure you the wheat has to leave' I say 'maybe' she answers, I smile softly, I cup her cheek and pull her into a kiss, she is shaken up by it first but then her hands move to my cheeks, she kisses back, after a little we pull back, she has a slight smile on her face and a slight blush. She is trying already... I smile to myself

'let's get back' I say but the emotion on her face drains 'draga it will be okay' I say and grab her hand and we get back inside, everyone is sitting in the living room, Nat is the only one standing, as she sees us both walking inside she looks at me, when I nod she practically runs to y/n 'love I was so worried' she says and y/n hugs her 'yeah...' y/n says the others also stand up, y/n startles a bit but I quickly walk behind her and wrap my arms around her

'I am going to try and stop the drugs...' y/n says and everyone starts to smile 'good' Steve says 'it is bad for you' Peter states 'I know that' y/n chuckles as she looks down 'I am just happy you are going to try' Sam says 'me too...' y/ n whispers 'and now?' Rhodey asks and y/n chuckles softly 'I am going to my room' she says and leaves, we look as she walks away 'what happened up there?' Tony asked

'she has been self harming, both her forearms are full with cuts, deep ones, small ones, they are all there. I told her that we would help her to stop with the drugs and wheat, she uses it as distraction from pain she gets when she was with us, I hope it'll get over soon, I want the old her back' I say, they all nod 'well it is late we should get some sleep, tomorrow we will have that mission Fury wanted to talk about this morning, until y/n destroyed our meeting room' Tony half jokes 'goodnight' everyone says and we walk to our rooms

'should we go to her?' Nat asks 'maybe, we should ask her' I say and we knock onto y/n's door 'ehm one second' we hear her, she opens the door 'oh, hey' she says as she looks at her 'can we stay with you tonight?' I ask her, she looks behind her 'be here in ten minutes' she says and closes the door 'weird' I say 'ten minutes, change into something comfortable' Nat says and I nod, I walk to my own room and change into my sleeping clothes, then walk back to y/n's room as she opens the door, it is ten minutes later

'hey' she says and gives us a smile, a fake one. I walk into her room as I see her window open 'why the window, it is cold' I say, Nat walks over to the bed 'it was hot in here' y/n says and closes the door, then walks to the bed. I get into the bed while Nat and y/n do the same, y/n doesn't want to lay between Nat and I but I just pull her there 'like the old days, draga' I say and she smiles, fake, I give her a kiss for goodnights and she kisses Nat 'goodnight' we say and I look at my girlfriends as they drift off.

-y/n's pov-

I went to my bedroom after Wanda and I talked, if they want me to stop I need to use it now before it goes away, I open my window and grab a wheat roll, before I can light it there is a knock, I hide the roll and open my door 'oh, hey' I say as I see my girlfriends 'can we stay with you tonight?' Wanda asks, I look behind me 'be here in ten minutes' I say and close the door, I quickly light my roll and start smoking by the window, as I finish the ten minutes are over

'hey' I say as I open the door, I give them a fake smile, they walk into my room and see that my window is open 'why the window, it is cold' Nat says and walks to my bed 'it was hot in here' I quickly hide, I look at Wanda, she isn't buying it, we get in the bed and I sit on the edge but Wanda pulls me between her and nat 'like the old days, draga's he says and I flash her a smile, I kiss them both for goodnight and I lay down

I close my eyes, for half an hour I am just thinking, blocking my mind for Wanda and I open my eye,both of them are asleep, I carefully untangle myself from Wanda and walk to my bathroom. I look at myself, I am deep in thought and now look at my hands that are on the sink 'this isn't the y/n I know' I hear a voice, I look at the doorpost, Natasha 'yeah..' I say and she walks in, closing the door after her, she walks towards me

'please let us help, I want my strong, beautiful, amazing, funny y/n back, not the depressed one, y/n I love you with my entire heart, I don't want to lose you' she says 'yeah...' I mutter 'so where is it, where are your blades, knives whatever you are using, your drugs, tell me dorogoy, where is it?' she asks 'under my bed is the wheat and drugs..' I say 'and your blades?' she asks and I open my drawer, getting out my 3 inch blade, sighing as I give it to her 'good' she says and gives me a hug, she kisses my head and we get back in bed.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now