12. Audrey

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A/n: I know I know, this was published but I got the idea from Audrey speaking half french with y/n bcs that looks cool and she's french ;)

-y/n's pov (next day)-

I stirred and saw that I was laying on top of something, I felt the pillow under me rise and something was playing with my hair, I slowly looked up and saw a smiling Wanda 'jutarnja princeza' (morning princess) she said and I blushed 'morning' I mumbled and laid back down, it was still early

We made breakfast, talked and the others joined us, I had a headache but just got some painkillers and brushed it off. I left and trained for a couple hours, ate lunch, watched a movie with Peter, Wanda, Nat and Steve, trained with Nat on my combat, ate dinner, talked with the others and got to bed, like a normal day

-few weeks later (sorry I am lazy)-

As my usual routine I made breakfast, the headaches are still there and I just grab painkillers every time I have them, Nat and Wanda are always by my side as if I wasn't able to be alone. I talked with the others for a while and left for training.

I trained for some good hours under vision of Wanda and Natasha, I was drinking water and taking a rest because my headache started again, suddenly we all heard Friday who've asked us all to get to the meeting room, Fury was there, I quickly sat down between Nat and Wanda and Fury started, I was leaning my head against the palm of my hand 'okay, there is an unknown threat in the city, I want everyone except Nat or Wanda and y/n to go, Nat, Wanda you can choose who is going and who is going to stay with y/n' Fury said

'so they are really now my babysitter, it is been weeks Fury?!' I asked and stood up, Wanda grabbed my arm 'y/n calm down' she said 'no, I want to go on missions, I am perfectly fine!' I said, my eyes flashed purple, suddenly Nat stood up and pushed me in my chair 'keep that mouth shut or i'll make it in good use..' she said and whispered the last part, she looked in my eyes, I nodded 'you are not going, end of discussion' Fury said and talked about some more stuff, I was furious

-After the meeting-

I stormed to my room, quickly shut the door and walked over to my window, my eyes were flashing, from purple to my normal eye color

I sat on the windowsill thinking about what Fury said you are not going, end of discussion I constantly heard his voice in my head, a knock interrupted my mind 'who is it?' I asked 'Nat, can I come in, the others are gone' she said of course, my babysitter 'sure' I said and I heard my door open, I didn't look at her 'Итак, принцесса, что ты хочешь делать?' (so, princess, what do you want to do?) she said, I finally turned around

'are the others away yet?' I asked 'yes, why?' she teased 'no reason, can we watch a movie?' I asked and she nodded, I got off of the windowsill and got to my bed 'i'll get some snacks' she said, I nodded and she left, I turned on my tv and looked through some movies,

Natasha came back with some snacks and sat next to me, we started to watch and I was laying with my head on her shoulder. It started to get dark and we were through a few movies 'l/n, Romanoff get to the living room' we heard Stark say by the device in my room, we paused the movie and got downstairs 'yes?' I asked, playing with my powers, balancing it on my finger 'the unknown threat was a girl, she escaped but we got a picture of her, also we know that her name is Audrey Dubois' Tony said

Audrey... 'show me that picture... now!' I interrupted Tony, he looked confused and so did the others, Steve handed me a picture, it was her, I saw her back as she was running but I could recognize her 'no... shit!' I said and started panicking 'what, what is wrong?' Tony asked and I looked at all the Avengers

'no, I can't do it' I said and ran to my room, getting in the bathroom, sliding down the wall, crying and breathing fast 'draga, jesi li dobro?' (darling, are you okay?) I heard Wanda's voice 'ne, ostavi me na miru' (no, leave me alone) I said 'I am coming in' she said 'Rekao sam ne!' (I said no!) I shouted and a big wave of energy came off of me, I heard a thud 'Wanda?' I asked

I quickly unlocked the door, but Wanda walked in and saw me cry she quickly tried to calm me down 'draga, draga ti si dobro, bezbedna si' (darling, darling, you are okay, you are safe) she said and I slowly calmed down 'tell me, why did you ran away?' she said as she wiped away the tears on my face, I fell through my knees and she bends down to my level

'I can't...' I choked and she hugged me, then picked me up and walked to my bed, gently laid me down, when Wanda wanted to leave I grabbed her hand 'please.. don't leave' I said and she nodded, she got in the bed and laid with me, I tightly hugged her for a while, she also kept me close to her

When Friday spoke that dinner was ready, she spoke up 'do you want to have dinner?' 'sure...' I said and she picked me up and walked with me downstairs, at the dinner table she put me down and we sat down, Clint made some food and we started eating 'so...' I said after a while 'Audrey.. what did she look like, I mean I saw her back on the picture' I asked, taking a bite of my chicken 'she had long blonde hair, blue eyes that were pretty bright, she had a french accent and was pretty hard to fight' Steve said 'I know...' I muttered 'oh okay' I spoke up

Natasha and Wanda kept looking at me, since the fight with Ultron they keep being by my side, not that I don't mind, I love both of them, they are both so gentle but also so protective 'do you know her?' Tony then spoke up 'oh- uhm no..' I said, Natasha raised an eyebrow shit she knows

'doesn't sound like the truth' I heard her mutter, I decided not to get into it and continued eating. After dinner we all sat down in the living room and watched a movie together, I was between Natasha and Wanda, Wanda in the corner, then me and then Natasha, Nat's hand was on my thigh the whole time and my head was on Wanda's shoulder

I shivered when I was cold and they both quickly looked at me, Nat stood up and grabbed a blanket for me, wrapping it around me 'thank you' I said and smiled, Wanda then grabbed my waist, pulling me towards her, my head was still on her shoulder and Nat's hand slowly made its way back to my thigh,  I didn't mind the attention I was getting, I slowly drifted off

-Natasha's pov-

oh y/n what are you doing to me, I was watching the movie and rubbing my hand on y/n's thigh, she seemed the be comforted by it. Suddenly she shivered so I looked at her, she was cold, I quickly stood up and grabbed a blanket for her, wrapping it around her

'thank you' she said and smiled, gosh I love her smile, I smiled back and sat back down, putting my hand back on her thigh as we continued to watch the movie, sometimes I would glance at y/n and she was with her head on Wanda's shoulder, her arm was around y/n, my jealousy raised, I want to be so close with y/n I thought

the movie soon came to an end and we ended up talking 'let's play never had I ever but with drinks' Peter said 'sure' I heard y/n say 'you are way to tired' I laughed 'not if I can do it with alcohol' y/n said and sat up from Wanda, Wanda chuckled behind her 'typical russian' I muttered and stood up, I grabbed the drinks and put it down, everyone got a bottle and Steve started

'never have I ever, broke a bone' he said and everyone drank 'pure logic, we are Avengers, we fight all the time' y/n laughed, it was Peter's turn 'never have I ever, been drugged' he said, some of us drank and laughed, y/n also drank and that made me think, maybe in the red room

'I'm next!' Thor said 'never have I ever, had an relationship that you weren't happy in' Thor said and no one drank, but then y/n drank, everyone looked at her 'what?' she asked 'you were in an relationship where you weren't happy?' I asked and she nodded

'next question!' she said trying to change the subject, I turned my head and after a few rounds it was y/n's turn 'never had I ever, had a crush on someone in this room' she said and smirked, Steve, Tony, Thor, Peter, Wanda and I drank and y/n smirked, she also drank 'okay' Wanda said thinking

'never had I ever, fell for a redhead' she said and looked specifically to y/n, she drank, then her bottle was empty 'y/n almost drank by every question' Steve laughed showing that he only drank half of his beer, we talked for a while but when it became late we all got to bed.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now