16. Hela

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quick a/n so I don't know if this is true or not because I haven't seen the Thor movies but in this book, Hela is the leader of Hydra

-y/n's pov-

'puppy, tu ne veux pas être puni, n'est-ce pas' (puppy, you don't want to get a punishment, do you?) Audrey said to me and I whimpered while shaking my head 'then don't squirm' she spat and I looked at the Avengers, Cap threw his shield but Audrey caught it, then threw it on the ground, suddenly a kind of portal opened next to me and Audrey, I looked at the Avengers and I saw that Thor knew what was happening, everyone stood ready to attack a women came out and she was dressed all in black 'that must be Hela...' I saw Thor mumble, the figure walked over to Audrey and me 'good job Audrey' the women said as she traced with her finger from my right shoulder, to my neck, over one of my cuts and to my left shoulder

she then got a weapon and my eyes widened, I was glued to the ground 'you must be Hela' Thor said and the women smirked 'son of Odin' Thor explained 'you don't look like him..' the Hela figure said, Wanda looked at Tony and then at me 'let y/n go' Nat said and Hela looked at me 'I would prefer to take her with me' Hela said and smirked 'please let me go..' I choked and Hela laughed 'puppy, ne sois pas têtu, tu viens avec nous' (don't be stubborn, you are coming with us) Audrey whispered in my ear but I only whimpered

I looked at Wanda who took a step forward but Hela raised her weapon 'let's go Audrey' Hela said and suddenly we were teleported to a stone place 'w-where are we?' I asked, half whispering 'in my base, bring her to the cell' Hela ordered and both my arms were grabbed, I got dragged to the cell compartments and I saw how bad the cells were, I hoped not to get in one of them and I closed my eyes, I then got thrown inside, I looked up and luckily I was in an another cell, not that I was happy that I was in a cell but this one was quite a luxe cell, I turned around and saw Hela and Audrey standing in front of the cell 'what is the meaning of this?!' I said and stood up

I was focussing on Hela and not on Audrey 'oh my dear, dear y/n' Hela started 'what do you want of me!' I shouted, then Audrey slammed onto the glass that held us apart 'don't raise your voice, puppy!' she said and I gulped, then Hela left and Audrey was clicking some buttons, then looked at some device and the door opened but as soon as I took a step I got a shock in my body and fell onto the ground, Audrey came into the cell and closed the door, there was a kind of cover over the glass that was keeping us apart a few minutes ago, Audrey walked up to me and I walked backwards

'Audrey...' I said 'no, no puppy, j'ai un autre nom' (I have an another name) she whispered and put both hands next to my head, pushing me against the wall 'please...' I begged and she smirked 'AUDREY!' Hela shouted and I sighed in relief, Audrey left and I got onto the bed, I held my head in my knees as I was sobbing, how could I be so stupid to not attack Audrey I thought

I then saw some things metal and iron things laying around, together with some cords, I quickly grabbed everything and laid it on the desk, I connected everything and made my own code talker I tried connecting to the Avengers compound and started sending a message "this is y/n, I am taken to a base, I've been thrown in a cell, try getting my coordinates, I think I am underground" I sent, I hid the signal thing and got onto the bed

just in time because the cover in front of my cell disappeared, Hela was standing there 'stand up' she said and I sighed, then stood up, the cell opened and a man walked in, he did something on my hands so I couldn't do anything, then I had to walk with them, there was a machine and they put me in it, I got flashbacks from the red room and I looked in fear, Hela was laughing madly as things got attached to my head, soon I felt a pain going through my body, I screamed it out

-Wanda's pov-

I was standing with the others, Audrey just got y/n, she also had super speed, she had her arm around y/n's waist who was whimpering, I was furious, she is my princess, mine! I thought, then a portal opened and a women walked out, tracing her finger over y/n's collarbone and neck, I took a step forward but Hela raised her weapon, then they left, I ran to where they stood a few seconds ago and fell through my knees my y/n, my princess...

'where did they go?!' Thor shouted 'we don't know' Steve said as he was looking around for some clue 'we need to save her!' I shouted, Steve came up to me and helped me up but I was sad, she was now gone 'Wanda, we will do everything to get her back, I promise' Tony said and I walked with Steve to the office, there we all sat down and tried to find her.

-Natasha's pov-

Audrey had her arm around y/n's waist and soon an Hela figure joined us, walking around y/n as she was her pray, suddenly they left, with her no... I thought and Wanda ran to the place y/n just stood, she fell through her legs and broke down, Steve walked over to her and helped her up, she was crying, I also had tears in my eyes but tried to hide it 'Wanda, we will do everything to get her back, I promise' Tony said and we all rushed to the office, everyone sat down and looked on their computer to find y/n's location.

I was doing some things when I suddenly heard sounds, I quickly grabbed the headset and heard different beeps, I quickly wrote them down 'Tony, I got something!' I shouted and Tony came running to me 'this is what I just got in my headset' I explained and Tony looked at it, he started writing under it 'this is y/n, I am taken to a base...' he started 'I've been thrown in a cell, try getting my coordinates, I think I am underground' he said

'she must be in an hydra base' Wanda said from her desk, she couldn't concentrate, while I was trying to get clues I kept seeing her leg shake, tears on her face, it was sad, we were all saw. I nodded in approvement to show that I heard her 'sent that message to me, we will look in which base she is' Tony said and I sent the message to him 'avengers' Tony said and everyone looked at him

'we have a few options where our y/n can be, Hydra Headquarters, Hydra research base in Sokovia, Hydra castle or Hydra sandbox, Steve, look for the coordinates of Hydra Headquarters, Sam look for the coordinates of the research base in Sokovia, Bruce the hydra castle and Nat do the Hydra sandbox' Tony said 'on it' the four of us said and Tony sat down, he tried to locate where y/n was and I was looking for the coordinates of the Hydra sandbox base, we knew this base was in Africa, so I started researching

I then found that it was located under the ground, in the south part of Africa, I grabbed a paper and wrote down the XYZ coordinates

Sandbox: X=29, Y=20, Z=-45

Steve, Sam and Bruce also were done so we walked to Tony and gave him the papers, he hung them up on a board and wrote y/n's location under it 'okay so, I found where y/n is so we just have to match the coordinates' Tony said as he looked into his computer

Headquarters: X=46, Y=64, Z=-61

Sandbox: X=29, Y=20, Z=-45

Research: X=15, Y=-5, Z=-106

Castle: X=124, Y=4,Z=-16

I looked at the coordinates as Tony wrote them down 'Headquarters' I said as I looked from his screen to the coordinates, Tony also looked 'we have to go to Fury with this' Tony said, he wrote the coordinates down and we ran to Fury, he was sitting in his office, making a call when we burst in 'I'll call you later' Fury said and hung up 'any news?' he asked

'she sent us an message with a code talker, it is in the Hydra headquarters, we got her coordinates and could track which hydra base it was, what do we have to do?' Tony asked 'get everyone, you've got to get her before they do anything to her' Fury said and we all left 'Avengers' Steve said 'grab everything you need to make yourself ready, everyone needs to be in the Quinjet in three minutes' Steve said and we all made ourselves ready

-y/n's pov-

after a while of getting tested I was panting, bruises on my body from the beating as when I was shouting too much. The thing on my head disappeared and I looked at Hela 'why did the red room hide you for so long...' she mumbled 'why did I hear her scream?' I heard Audrey's voice coming into the room

'we were testing her' Hela said 'did you hurt her?' Audrey asked 'yes, she shouted too much' Hela said and Audrey nodded. A man helped me up 'are you okay?' he whispered and I nodded 'yes, thanks..' I muttered 'what are you doing soldier?' Hela asked, I looked down at my hands and he had them in his hands 'helping her up, miss' he said and cuffed my hands 'bring her back to her cell' the guy said and Hela nodded

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now