14. Encounter

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-y/n's pov-

the next day I woke up like normal, got my food, said goodmorning to all of the Avengers and got to the training room, I started to do a workout, since I am not allowed to do any missions, I have to keep in form 'y/n' I heard Stark and I turned around

'yeah?' I asked 'I've got you a suit, wanna test it?' he asked and I squealed 'of course!' I said and practically ran to him, I followed him into the lab and he showed me the suit 'oh my god!' I said

'yeah?' I asked 'I've got you a suit, wanna test it?' he asked and I squealed 'of course!' I said and practically ran to him, I followed him into the lab and he showed me the suit 'oh my god!' I said

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(your suit)

'I have installed a few things, like this blaster (Imagine) this control panel, with this you can look around with a mini drone that is stocked in your back, just with one button you can fly it around' he explained 'cool!' I said 'thanks Tony, I really appreciate it' I said and he smiled 'emergency meeting' we heard Friday repeat 'take your suit and let's go' Tony said and I grabbed the suit, then followed him into the meeting room

'what is so urgent?' Tony asked 'the Audrey girl is back, she is threatening here' Fury said as he pointed on a map 'y/n, time to shine, you'll go with the others, that girl is a threat to New York and I want you guys to arrest her' Fury said and we all nodded, I looked at Nat and Wanda who weren't sure by Fury's decision, they were still really protective over me

we rushed to the Quinjet and got on, I changed into my new suit and it was perfect, we all stood ready and Wanda walked over to me 'nice suit' she said 'thanks' I said as my hands were shaking, I was going to fight against my toxic ex-girlfriend

we soon landed at the spot where Audrey was located 'okay, y/n you look in the building on north, Wanda that one (he points a direction), Natasha that one, Stark take the south one, Peter take the west one and the rest, do your thing' Steve commanded 'why is y/n going alone?' Nat asked 'because we have not many people to look for the other buildings' Steve said and I flew to the building

The front door was locked but I just broke in, I walked around, it was uncomfortably quiet, I walked into a room but there were a few things, it looked like an apartment, as I walked further inside the door closed behind me, soon I heard a lock

I twirled around and saw her... Audrey 

'bien bien regarde qui est enfin arrivé mon petit

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'bien bien regarde qui est enfin arrivé mon petit..' (well well, look who's arrived my little one) she said, I was glued to the ground, Audrey walked over to me, circling around me like I was her pray. She trailed her finger along my collarbone 'une si jolie fille que tu es devenue, puppy' (such a pretty girl you've became, puppy) she muttered 'y/n, what is going on, is there someone in your building' I heard Steve's voice

I looked at Audrey and didn't reply 'y/n?' I heard Nat's voice 'what do you want..' I muttered to Audrey 'vous...(you) you've disobeyed me and ran away, I think my little puppy needs a punishment' she said 'y/n I am coming to your building' I heard Wanda's voice 'no!' I said and stood back, I said it to both Audrey and Wanda

Audrey walked over to me and I walked back, but my back hit the wall 'no, don't come near me..' I said, forgetting the Avengers could hear everything 'my puppy, tu es à moi, garde ça en tête, je fais tout ce que je veux, quand je veux et comme je veux avec toi ' (my puppy, you are mine, get that in your mind, I do everything I want, when I want and how I want with you) she said and I started sobbing 'don't cry puppy, it is okay' she said as she wiped my tears away

'I said don't come near me!' I said as I pushed her away with my powers 'now ur gonna get it!' she said as she grabbed something, she then launched at me and grabbed both my wrists, tying them together, she picked me up and walked over to the bed, tying me on the bed, both wrists each at a pole, a rope around my waist and me

'you've been a naughty girl, puppy' Audrey said and I started sobbing uncontrollably 'y/n is there a threat in your building?' I heard Steve ask 'yes..' I said and Audrey smirked, she got on me and started to kiss me, I didn't kiss back, she pulled back and slapped me across my face 'kiss me back!' she shouted

Suddenly the door opened and it revealed Nat, NAT I thought, she could save me!

'get away from y/n, cyka!' Nat said and launched at Audrey, Audrey dodged her and threw Nat through the window 'NON!' (NO!) I shouted, it was quiet for a while until I heard Steve's voice 'Nat is safe, are you y/n?' 'no' I muttered, Audrey walked back to me and saw my earpiece in my ear 'oh you naughty naughty puppy' she said grabbed the earpiece, throwing it on the ground, breaking it

Audrey launched at me and started to punch me, on my face, arms and legs, I kept shouting for her to stop 'this is your punishment puppy, you had to obey me at first and on top of all you are having a earpiece in your ear, very naughty!' she said as she punched me in the gut, I shouted it out, she started using a knife, it hurt, everything hurt

luckily we got interrupted by a loud bang outside 'be a good puppy and stay there, don't make any sounds' she hissed, kissed my lips and put the covers over me, she walked out the door and I heard lots of sounds, my body was aching from the pain

'y/n where are you..' I heard a familiar east-european voice 'Wanda.. I am on a bed, tied up..' I said and she gently pulled the covers off of me, she untied me and she helped me up, then the door burst open, it was Audrey, she wasn't happy to see me standing, luckily she couldn't see Wanda

'puppy?! how the fuck did you escape?!' she said, I was trembling but Wanda knocked her out, she walked over to me but when she wanted to grab my waist I flinched 'Neću te povrijediti, draga' (I won't hurt you, my darling) she said and I nodded, she gently grabbed my waist

then the others came bursting into the room, they cuffed Audrey who was still unconscious 'are you okay?' Steve asked, I kept silent and just nodded faintly, my bruises were obviously visible, I had a black eye, cuts and there was blood going out my nose, Wanda held me close to her.

She insisted in carying me to the Quinjet, because I was hurt 'what exactly happened?' she asked me as she sat me down in a chair, cleaning some of my wounds, I started sobbing while replaying it all in my head, I looked at Wanda who saw everything, she then gave me a big hug 'it wasn't your fault' she said 'she is my toxic ex girlfriend...' I said and she looked at me, then pulled me by my neck and giving me a long kiss

'back off of my girlfriend, puppy faire quelque chose!' (do something!) I heard shouting, I turned around and saw Audrey, she had woken up, we had put her in a special containment that was indestructible, Wanda laughed and pulled me even closer, then Nat walked in, Wanda pulled away slightly

'how are you?' she asked me, rubbing my arm, sitting down next to me 'get your filthy hands off of her, Elle est à moi!' (she is mine!) Audrey shouted Nat raised her eyebrow at Audrey 'what is she saying?' Nat asked 'she said that I am hers, she is french...' I said, Nat then looked back at me 'hurt' I said, Wanda continued to clean the blood from my nose

'what happened, only tell me if you are comfortable' she said 'long story short she just... I was her girlfriend two years ago but she became toxic and I ran away from her, she just beaten the shit out of me and always called me puppy' I explained, I started tearing up

'i'm sorry' Nat said giving me a long hug, kissing the top of me head, Wanda stood next to us 'we just landed, are you girls coming?' I heard Steve say and we helped bringing Audrey to Fury, I was trembling every time when I saw her

'let's get you out of here' Wanda and Nat said and helped me to get away from Audrey, we waited outside the room and Fury came inside 'she doesn't talk, she only wants to talk to y/n' Fury said and I looked at Nat and Wanda 'i'll do it..' I said and they both grabbed my arms 'no you don't!' they shouted 'if we want answers, I need to at least try to overcome my fear' I said and walked with Fury.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now