39. Conversation

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-Y/n's pov-

I jolt awake. After we eliminated, well I eliminated Duco we got back, I got to my room and almost immediately fell asleep, my girlfriends soon joined me and now it is 2:23AM and once again I am awake, I get out of my bed and change into my train clothes, I get to the training room, I start working out for a few good hours

'can't sleep, can you?' I hear a voice, I turn and Tony is leaning against the doorframe 'nope' I say and I lean against the box sack 'why are you awake?' I ask 'checking if you were awake' he answers 'don't worry about me' I say

'after yesterday, your eyes flashed red, you were angry, power unleashed unwillingly and you killed Duco with one hand, I should care about you, also, you are like my daughter' he says and I chuckle, walking towards him

'I need to get stronger, and I need to get my powers in control' I say 'it will cost time but that doesn't mean you have to train while you have to sleep, y/n you have to sleep if you want to become stronger, energy comes from sleeping' he says

'but strength doesn't come from energy' I defend 'it sure does, when you are drained your strength is weaker' he says and I sigh 'I can't win this can I' I say and he chuckles 'no, you can't, come let's get something to drink' he says and we walk out of the training room, we have a small talk as we enter the kitchen

'what do you want to drink?' he asks 'water, please' I say and he throws a water bottle towards me, I catch it and sit onto the kitchen counter. It is silent for a while

'you know it isn't healthy to be awake at these times' he says 'you are awake' I say and sip my water 'yes that is true but you are doing it already for weeks, I don't' he says 'fair point' I say and chuckle

'you need to try and get some sleep, I can ask Friday to go after the information and brief us?' he suggests 'it is the best if we do it on our own, I am almost at the end' I say and he nods 'just promise me you will try to sleep more' he says, I stay silent for a while but give in after a little while 'fine' I say and he smiles

'well, run along to your bed, we are having a party tomorrow and you need your energy, also we might have a mission coming up' he says and I chuckle 'you and your parties, why this one?' I ask 'fun' he simply says and sips his drink, I chuckle 'okay, well goodnight' I say

'goodnight n/n' he says and I walk back to my room, sipping my water on the way. I get into my room being silent but when I turn around my girlfriends are standing in front of me 'where were you' Nat asks

'downstairs' I say and peck their lips, then walk past them 'you were training weren't you?' Wanda asks 'got a few minutes of training until Tony stopped me' I say as I grab a towel, wiping off the sweat. I walk over to my closet and change into my sleeping clothes

'how long are you awake?' Nat asks as she stands behind me, her arms around my waist as I lean my head onto her shoulder

'one hour' I say 'liar' she says and her arms tighten around my waist 'tell the truth dorogoy' she says into my ear, Wanda stands in front of me and her eyes glow red, I lower my head so I don't look into her eyes and just take the moment of silence as a moment of resting 'tell us, draga' Wanda says and grips my chin, making me look at her

'five hours' I say and she sighs 'you have to...' Wanda says but I interrupt her 'get more sleep, yeah I know, Tony gave me that parent speech' I say and try to walk away but am unsuccessful because of Nat her arms 'let's get back in bed' I say and suddenly I am lifted up, I squeal but quickly cover my mouth and chuckle

'sorry' I say and Nat lays me down on the bed, laying next to me, Wanda does the same and I lay down on Wanda's chest 'get some sleep, draga' she whispers and I nod, Nat wraps her arms around my waist and snuggles into my neck 'goodnight, loves' I whisper 'goodnight' they both whisper and I close my eyes.


'Mrs. Romanoff, mrs. Maximoff and mrs. Y/l/n, you have to be in the convergence room in ten minutes' Friday announces that wakes me up 'hey sleepyheads' Wanda says from across the room and I look at her, strong arms are still around my waist as Nat groans

'let's get out of bed if we have to be in the convergence room in ten minutes' I say and Nat shakes her head and I chuckle 'Natttt' I groan and she also chuckles

We eventually get out of bed and get changed and walk out of our room towards the convergence room 'new convergence room?' I ask as we walk inside 

'yeah, we needed a new one since you destroyed the last one' Steve jokes but I gulp, looking down while sitting down 'so Avengers' Fury says who is standing in front

'we have noticed that there is a mafia gang that is trying to take over parts of the usa, they are acting really careful, police isn't used against them because they aren't recognized. Shield has noticed it while people from the group were threatening people. The leader's name is Alessandro De Luca. In a few days he has a party and his daughter will be there. I want that all of you go to that party and look what will happen... so, Sam, Peter, Clint and Steve will be disguised as guards, Natasha, Wanda and Bruce will be servers as Y/n and Tony will be guests' Fury starts, suddenly he looks at me 

'there is one thing' he says and keeps eye contact with me

'his daughter will look for her fiance on that party, it is a kind of tradition. If we want to get close to the leader we need one that is going to flirt with the daughter... I had in mind Y/n' he says, suddenly Wanda and Natasha stand up 'not going to happen!' they defend, I also stand up 'if I can ask, why me?' I ask 'you are exactly what the mafia princess is looking for' he says and I nod

'I'll do it, but what if they know I am an avenger?' I ask 'then you will tell them that after the red room incident you left the avengers and started living your own life' Peter says 'and then, when she chooses me?' I ask 'you are going to make sure you get the trust of Alessandro and know his plans' Fury explains and I nod 'sounds pretty easy to complete' I say

'don't think to easy, it is the mafia we are working with' Fury warns 'and they are gonna trust a girl with powers' I say and smirk 'you sure bubs?' Wanda whispers 'it will be okay, love' I say and look at her 

'okay, tomorrow night is the party so for now, you all are dismissed' Fury says and we leave, Wanda and Natasha are a bit silent 'babes, it is okay, I only love you two and no one else as much as I love you both' I say and they give me a smile, I embrace them both and kiss Nat first and then Wanda 'I love you both' I whisper 'I love you both too' they whisper and we giggle

'should we make breakfast?' I ask and they nod, we get to the kitchen and I sit onto the kitchen counter 'should I make...' Nat starts 'no!' I shout, Nat is a terrible cook 'I- I mean, Wanda can make really good waffles, I am in the mood of waffles, Wands will you make waffles?' I say and put on my pleading eyes, they both chuckle 'sure love' she says and start making waffles, Nat walks over to me and wraps her arms around my waist 'you don't want me to cook?' she asks and I giggle

'maybeee...' I say and she starts tickling me 'N-Nat s-s-stop!' I say and she laughs, Wanda also laughs and I try to stop Nat but it is no use, after a little she stops and laughs, my stomach hurts from the laughing.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now