44. Dead.

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-Y/n's pov (next day)-

I wake up on Stef's chest, she is humming while stroking my hair 'morning, babe' I say 'morning beautiful' she whispers and kisses my forehead 'it is all over the news, the newest Avenger died in a car accident after going out with her girlfriend' she says and I chuckle 'is that really what is on internet?' I ask 'yup' she says and I laugh

'damn' I say and grab my phone, dozens of messages of the Avengers 'I should do anything about this phone' I say 'throw it away, i'll buy a new one for you' she says 'really?' I ask and she nods 'everything for my soon to be wife' she says and kisses my lips, we get out of bed and get downstairs 

-Nat's pov-

I am pacing up and down, tears are streaming down my face as I am holding my phone in my hands where is standing that Y/n is dead. Y/n in a car accident 'how...' Tony mutters, everyone is frustrated, sad and devastated, she can't be dead 

'she just can't be dead' I mutter and Wanda walks over to me 'I know Nat' she whispers 'I saw her last night, with that son of a bitch, Stefania De Luca, and she survived, why not our Y/n' I sob into Wanda's neck 'I know, love... I know' she whispers 

'this isn't right, she must be alive or something' Steve says 'like they are saying on the internet, there was no way that she could be alive, the car was completely smashed except one spot and there was Stefania, people even say that Y/n was protecting her and got hit in her back' Sam says

'what if they made it up, kidnapped her and are abusing her right now?' Peter says 'no way they would do that...' Steve says 'that could be possible' I say 'they are the mafia, who knows how many people they've killed' I say 'we need to get to that house' Tony says and we all start to gear up

-Y/n's pov-

'you should stay inside as much as possible, we can't risk the Avengers that they can see you, everything is blinded so you can look outside but the outside world can't look inside' Alejandro explains 

'a few of my best scientists are making a new suit for you, one that suits our colors' he says 'thank you, that means a lot to me' I say and think 'maybe a mask, so I won't be recognizable when I go on missions' I say and he nods in approvement 

'I'll tell them' he says 'you are so amazing...' Stef mutters and wraps her arms around my waist, I lean onto her shoulder 'do you think they are freaking out?' I then ask 'who?' Stef asks 'the Avengers' I answer 'of course, I mean, it is you' she says and I chuckle 

'they lost their best fighter' Alejandro says 'but what if they suspect you guys, what if Shield and the others barge into the house to look for me?' I ask 'we will know if they do, if your suit isn't done by then you should hide, Stef knows where' Alejandro says and I nod 

'here is the suit!' a scientist shouts and walks into the room, giving me the suit 'thank you' I say and he bows before leaving. 

I am laying in bed, thinking about Wanda and Natasha... I left them...


'no, no say it again, say it again' Nat says as she holds up a camera, Wanda is sitting next to me '4liferssss' I say and we all laugh 'promise that we won't leave each other' Nat says 'promise, I love you both so much' I say and kiss them both on the lips.

I open my eyes and tears escape, I miss them already... But this life is better for me, Stefania wouldn't hurt me...

-Few weeks later-

We look outside and I see a jet flying over the house 'and there they are' I say and roll my eyes, Stef grabs my hand, we quickly hurry to a safe place and I change 'Y/n, can you hear me?' I hear Alejandro 'loud and clear' I say 

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now