9. Ultron

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quick a/n, this is like Age of ultron but in my version, I have seen Age of Ultron but I made this one slight different so it isn't compared with the movie, cuz that would be boring for ya guys if you've seen the movie

-few weeks later (y/n's pov)-

As normally I woke up and walked downstairs, got breakfast and sat in the living room, we were in the living room and everyone was talking until we heard something, we all turned and saw a kind of robot, he started speaking and soon attacking us, we got cover and Wanda stood in front of me, protecting me, when Ultron, he said his name was Ultron, attacked us two Wanda grabbed my waist and put a shield around us 'Wands, I can protect myself..' I muttered but her eyes were red

she then grabbed my arm and we took cover behind the bar (Nat wasn't there) she sat me down on the ground 'Wands...' I said but she put her lips against mine to shut me up 'just shut up' she said, her accent dripping.

She stood up and started shooting things at it but then it disappeared 'is everyone alright?' Cap asked and I stood up, Wanda looked at me and pulled me to her with an iron grip around my waist 'we are alright' I said and he nodded, when everyone was alright 'so what was that thing?' I asked 'Jarvis?' Tony asked but Jarvis didn't answer, we all got to his lab, I didn't understand what was happening but I knew that Jarvis was dead and that Ultron thing was like a virus

-few days later-

we were in the compound, thinking about how to defeat Ultron, getting information about him, sometimes we would see him and fight him but then he would disappear. We were now in Sokovia, we were walking around the city when I got an strong headache, I fell through my knees and softly shouted while holding my head 'y/n!' Wanda said as she turned around, the others now turned around and saw me on the ground

'y/n, what is wrong?' Wanda asked me, I opened my eyes but I saw visions, I saw Ultron, I saw my twin sister... they were talking 'I-' I said and quickly stood up 'I have to go somewhere, meet me in the jet outside the city in one hour, don't follow me!' I said, stood up and quickly ran towards an church, I walked inside and saw a big chair 'I was waiting until you would show up' I heard Ultron's voice 'where is my sister?' I asked 'y/n' I heard my sister's voice 'Ayla...' I said and turned around, I saw her

she walked over to me but I grabbed my gun and held it up, she chuckled 'they've learned you things, impressive' she said (Ayla was never came into the red room because she got away in time) 'yeah..' I said, she continued to walk and hugged me, I lowered my gun and hugged her back 'cute, sister love' Ultron said and Ayla pulled back 'why are you working with the Avengers?' Ayla asked 'they've promised to keep me safe, safe from the Dreykov, why are you working with him' I said, whispering the last part 'the Avengers killed our parents!' Ayla said 'n-no they didn't mom and dad aren't dead..' I said and took distance

'y/n your parents are dead, because of the Avengers, they've killed them' Ultron explained 'but, how? why would they do that?' I asked 'because the Avengers don't care about others, they care about reputation' Ayla spoke up 'Ayla, they wouldn't...' I said and got tears in my eyes, i've never met my parents properly because of the red room but they were still my parents 'y/n, join us, after we destroy the Avengers, we can make the world a better place' Ultron said 'I- I don't get it' I said and started trembling

'y/n breath, it is okay' Ayla said and held my shoulders 'I don't know Ayla...' I said and looked into her brown eyes 'y/n, we will fight as sisters' Ayla said, I took a few steps back 'I can't let the Avengers down' I said and tried to look brave 'then go to them, but let me down, I am your family, y/n' Ayla said, I stayed quiet 'you don't want the killers of your parents down but you want to let me down' she said 'i'll join' I said and nodded, Ultron smiled, I couldn't think the Avengers would do that, I was mad. We walked downstairs to an project that he was onto

I saw that they were making something, a girl attached a kind of wire to Ultron and it shot electric through him, I walked over to the box and saw a body, it was kind of red but I still could see through it, I put my hands on the box and closed my eyes, I focussed but saw the world explode and I shouted, I walked back and Ayla quickly looked into my eyes, having one arm on my back 'it is okay' she kept saying, I looked at Ultron 'how could you?' I asked, he stood up 'how could I what?' he asked

'you said we would destroy the Avengers, make a better world' I said, panting, Ayla had her arms around me but also looked at Ultron 'it will be better' he answered 'when everyone is dead?' I asked 'that is not- the humans had every opportunity to improve' he explained 'unless they don't' Ayla spoke up, she then turned to me 'it is okay' she said again, Ultron kept saying words and it kept getting scarier and scarier 'your a mad man' I said, then we heard things 'there is something outside, we have to get moving' Ultron said 'they are already here, I was with them' I said and he nodded 'that is not a problem' the girl said and stopped the loading, but Ultron wasn't happy

Ultron attacked her, as soon as that happened Ayla picked me up and ran away with me, she also had super speed 'I'm sorry' Ayla said and Ultron came up 'guys' he said.

-Wanda's pov-

'where the hell is she?!' Tony said out loud 'we don't know, she should be done already about an hour ago' Steve said 'maybe...' Bruce said 'no, she isn't captured by widows or Dreykov, we would hear or see something, there is something else happening and I can't lay my finger on it' Tony said as he was thinking 'she went her way to the church, we should investigate' I said and they looked at me 'Wanda, you know the way, show it' Steve said and we all walked out the jet, into the city

We walked towards the church and I heard voices, I motioned for the others to keep quiet as I walked closer 'so what is the plan?' I heard a feminine voice 'with that stone we will him really powerful' I heard Ultron say 'what kind of stone is it?' I stiffened, that was y/n, I looked behind me and mouthed "y/n is inside, with Ultron" their eyes widened, I looked and saw her standing in front of Ultron and the unknown girl, she stood with her face to me but didn't see me

'it is the mind stone, our robot will control things with his mind and will help us' Ultron explained, and y/n nodded, it was silent for a while but y/n then spoke up 'I have to get revenge on the Avengers' I heard y/n say and turned back revenge? I looked at the others and they heard it too "we have to go" Steve mouthed and we quickly left 'why was she with them?' Clint asked 'I don't know, but what I know is that y/n wants revenge on us' Steve said 'Friday, identify the girl that stood next to Ultron' Tony said to Friday 'Ayla l/n, twin sister of y/n l/n, she is 4 minutes older than y/n' Friday explained

'does Ayla has powers?' Tony asked Friday 'Ayla L/n has super speed' Friday answered 'why is her sister there, and why was she not fighting with them?' Steve said 'we need to get answers, I am going in there' I said and turned around but Steve grabbed my arm 'no way' he said 'we need answers, i'll bring her with me' I said and turned back to the church 'y/n' I shouted, no response, I knew she was in the church but couldn't just walk in 'y/n!' I once again shouted

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now