18. The Three Of Us

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-y/n's pov-

god I love them both, but they want me to choose, I can't, I can't choose between both, I just want them both, I hope they'll understand...

I was thinking about Nat and Wanda, they both helped me this fight, helping me to overcome my fear, helping me out of Hela's control and I was thankful for that. Soon we landed and I stood up, we all walked out the jet, Hela and Audrey were brought to an base from SHIELD and the hydra agents were freed, I walked to the living room and fell onto the couch, everyone was behind me, looking at me 'so' I said as I leaned on my elbows 'food?' Clint said and my eyes widened 'why did you even ask?!' I said and stood up, they all laughed 'I see that someone is hungry, I am gonna make some' he said as he left

'should we have that movie night tonight?' I asked and they all looked at each other 'I am down' Peter said 'Pete you are too young' I teased 'no I am not!' he said and I laughed 'I am just joking, bestie' I said and he tried to attack me with his spidey thingies but I just jumped in the air and fell down on the ground as it hit the window 'no fair' he said

'live isn't fair, spidey'  I said and laughed, I looked at Nat and Wanda who were admiring me 'I am going to my room to freshen up' I then said, I walked to the two girls, pecking their cheeks before leaving

I went into my room and walked to my closet, grabbing a white cropped top and grey sweatpants, grabbing my grey new york hat and going to my bathroom, I turned on the shower, unbraided my hair and got in the shower, it was good to feel the water on my bruises, it tingles but I was relieved they were recovering, after a little while I turned off the shower and dried myself off, I dressed myself, dried my hair and put on the hat, then got into my room, I was looking on my phone when suddenly someone cleared their throat 'ah!' I said throwing my phone in the air, I was quickly to catch it and then I saw Wanda and Nat sitting on my bed 'what are you two doing here?' I asked them, getting onto my bed, sitting at the edge 'we wanted to ask you something' Nat said and I gulped I can't choose...

'y-yeah' I said 'tell me' I got out of my mouth 'you told us, you liked us both...' Nat started 'we like you both, and I like Nat and Nat likes me...' Wanda continued 'so you mean...' I said as I was connecting the dots 'so y/n y/l/n, Wanda Maximoff' Nat started, I chuckled, I looked into Nat's green eyes 'do you two want to be my girlfriends?' Nat asked and I teared up

I looked at Wanda who was nodding 'yes!' I said as I launched at Nat, giving her a big hug, Wanda joined and soon I joined her, when I pulled away I kissed Wanda, she relaxed into the kiss 'hey' I heard Nat and chuckled, I pulled away and gave Nat also a kiss, wrapping my arms around her neck 'I love you two..' Nat muttered against my lips 'I love you both too' I murmured back

'dinner is ready' Friday spoke up and Nat groaned, I pulled away and chuckled, I looked at Wanda who scrunched her nose cutely 'let's go' I said and got off of the bed, I walked towards the door but two arms wrapped around my waist, a head laying on my neck, I looked to my left and saw Wanda, I smiled and gave her a kiss on her nose, she didn't let go

'Wands, we have to get downstairs' I said 'okay' she said and I thought she would let me go, but suddenly she lifted me up,  I shrieked by her sudden move, she had me bridal style and walked downstairs, she walked in the dining room and Nat followed 'Wanda Maximoff put my down!' I said once again, she laughed and the others all laughed, she finally set me down and I quickly sat down in my chair, Wanda and Nat sitting next to me

'okay what did you make Clint because I am literally starving' I said and everyone chuckled 'well I made chicken paprikash with tomatoes' Clint said and we of course quickly started eating, during the meal I felt two hands on my thighs, Wands and Nat of course I thought and chuckled lightly 'why are you chuckling?' Steve asked 'oh-' I said and looked up 'Wanda said something funny back in my room' I said and they nodded

-After dinner-

We all gathered in the living room, I walked towards the couch as Wanda claimed the corner, I got on the couch and laid down on her chest, Nat came next to Wanda and laid on her shoulder 'so are you three together or not?' Steve asked, I looked at the two who smiled 'yeah' I said and looked at Steve, I snuggled into Wanda more and inhaled her scent 'what movie should we watch?' Peter asked, grabbing the remote from the table 'Dark shadows?' I suggested, looking up from Wanda's chest, Peter searched it up and everyone seemed okay with it, we started watching

Wanda was stroking my hair and face while Nat's hand was on my thigh, sometimes I felt light kisses on my head and I smiled to myself, this was the best option I've ever taken I heard Wanda chuckle. Soon I felt becoming tired so I closed my eyes, the sounds of the tv got softer and softer, soon I drifted off.

-Wanda's pov-

I felt complete, y/n and Nat in my life, when I met y/n I thought that I only wanted her, I was always jealous when Nat was being close with her, but then I realised that Nat was an amazing person too, I started to like both and I am happy that I have them both right now, I was not really paying attention on the movie so I looked down at y/n, she was in her thoughts this was the best option I've ever taken she thought and I chuckled, I stroked her face and gave her head a small kiss, I then looked back at the movie

I soon felt y/n shuffle, she was asleep, I looked over to Nat, when she felt me move she looked at me 'she just fell asleep' I whispered and Nat looked at her, then at me, she gave me a light kiss 'she's so cute' she muttered after pulling away, I smiled and Nat laid her head on my shoulder as I turned back to the movie, we were now watching an another movie. The villain and the hero were fighting

Peter, Clint and Sam were liking the movie, they were supporting the heroes and talking and muttering through the movie, it was funny to see, they were just saying 'yeah' or 'come on Halson' the main character, Halson was fighting against a tiger villain, the villain had claws and was threatening the city Halson had to protect, soon it ended as Halson had won, of course, movies always end like that. We decided to talk about the movie and other things. 

'is she asleep?' Peter asked as he noticed that y/n wasn't talking 'yeah, she fell asleep halfway through' I answered 'well she doesn't has the energy, does she' Tony joked 'well obviously she was tired from the torturing that Hela did to her, I mean look at those bruises, that isn't anything small' Nat said, raising her voice 'bubs, calm down' I whispered and she soon calmed down 'I like the nickname' Nat whispered in my ear and I grinned 'so how did you three get together?' Bruce asked 'well' I said looking at Nat and then y/n 'long story short. Nat and I both like y/n and y/n liked us so we got together' I explained and chuckled

After a little while everyone started to get tired and got to their rooms, Nat also stood up 'if you pick up y/n then I can stand up' I suggested and Nat nodded, she gently grabbed y/n from my legs, giving me a kiss as she bends over, I blush in the go. We walk to y/n's room and Nat puts her down in the middle, we changed and got with y/n in the bed.

My Attraction To Red ~ Y/n Y/l/n x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now