Chapter 1

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"Jeremy, your dad will be here in five minutes." Giselle called out to her six-year-old that was in his room playing Minecraft for the past hour, while she made herself busy packing his backpack for the weekend and making sure he had everything he needed including his favorite power ranger pajamas.

Soon there was a knock on the door, signaling her ex's arrival. Giselle internally groaned steadying herself for the unpleasant experience. She took a deep breath in and opened the door, standing face to face with her ex-Malcom. The sight of him always turned her stomach.

Giselle gave a fake smile and allowed him to step inside her home, but she kept her distance not wanting to be to close. The silence was uncomfortable as they stood facing each other in the foyer. Giselle stood with her arms crossed against her chest and directed her gaze to the floor.

Giselle and Malcom had dated two years before Jeremy came along. They met at one of her best friend Trina's parties. He had come on strong and kept a drink in Giselle's hand all night. Before she knew it, they were making out in the back of a cab on the way to her apartment. It was a relationship that burned hot from the beginning and crashed when Giselle told him she was pregnant.

Malcom immediately started accusing her of not using her birth control correctly before accusing her of trying to "trap" him. He was a prominent lawyer in Boston and came from a well-known family with lots of money. Throughout the relationship he spoiled Giselle with gifts and nice trips,  but she never thought it would be held against her in her most vulnerable moment of her life.

Giselle went through most of the pregnancy by herself while Malcom moved on within a month with another woman.

For the most part they were able to be cordial for Jeremy's sake whenever he did decide to show up for his visits but after 6 years it was still tense.

Malcom stood now with his hands in the jacket of his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels. His eyes were staring intently at the floor before they flicked up to meet hers.

"So how have you been?" Malcom asked trying to clear the air and break the silence around them.

"I've been fine." She kept her answer short on purpose, not caring to offer him much more than that.

Giselle cleared her throat. "Jeremy, time to go." She alerted her son when the awkwardness became too much. She didn't want to delay Malcom's departure any longer than necessary.

Soon the sound of feet hitting the hardwood floors grew closer and Jeremy joined them in the entry way, a smile plastered on his face. He came to stand in between his parents with his soft curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was wearing his favorite sonic jacket, a spider man shirt, a pair of blue jeans and his favorite red and white sneakers.

"Hey Son." Malcom put on his best enthusiastic face, but it didn't convince Giselle who scoffed and turned her head to roll her eyes.

"Hi Dad." Jeremy greeted his father with a hug around his legs.

Giselle bent down and engulfed her son in an embrace, squeezing him tightly and kissing his check. "Have fun baby, I'll see you Sunday."

"Bye mommy, I love you." Jeremy said as he returned the hug.

Standing back up Giselle ruffled his curly hair and handed him his red, white, and blue avengers backpack as he grabbed his dad's hand to make their way to the car.

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