Chapter 10

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**2 months later**

"Mom, the movie is over." Jeremy shouted from the living room. It was the second one he had watched today but it was the only thing successfully keeping him quiet while she worked.

"I'll be out in a minute honey." Giselle announced from her bedroom that was now also a makeshift workspace. The real estate office closed like all the other businesses in the city when the whole country went on lockdown.

It had its perks. There was no more waking up 2 hours before work to shower and get ready, the dress code had undoubtedly become yoga pants and t-shirts and no more having to pretend to like she liked Adrian and Delores, her annoying co-workers.

"Mom, I'm hungry." Jeremy alerted her that it was lunch time.

But it also had its cons. School had been cancelled after spring break so that meant that Jeremy was home 24 hours a day. Now that there was no set schedule in place for work, she often worked until it was dark out and forgot to take breaks. While she didn't have to deal with annoying co-workers anymore that also meant she didn't get to see Trina anymore if it wasn't on facetime.

Giselle locked her computer and went out to the kitchen to make lunch for Jeremy. She opened the refrigerator and freezer looking for something that was quick, easy and something Jeremy would actually eat.

"Peanut butter and jelly it is." She said out loud to herself. She grabbed the bread and peanut butter from the pantry, the jelly from the refrigerator and began making two sandwiches, one for Jeremy and one for her. she grabbed a couple of glasses out the cabinet for juice. She filled the glasses and sat down at the kitchen island. While sipping the cold drink slowly, she looked down at her phone. There were 3 unread messages. 1 from Trina and 2 from Chris.

Trina: Are we on for video chat and wine tonight?

Chris: Signs of old age...knees pop when you do squats lol.

Chris: Check your front door beautiful.

Giselle furrowed her eyebrows at the last message. She lifted from her seat and headed for the front door. Before she turned the knob, she braced herself because she didn't know what would be waiting on the other side. She took a deep breath in and opened it. At first, she saw nothing but open air and space, cars and people passing by on the street. As she was stepping back to close the door again, she looked down and saw a vase of flowers sitting on her front steps.

Giselle breath hitched as she saw the beautiful arrangement of sunflowers, purple irises, and white daisies. She bent down to pick them up and brought them up to her nose to take in the fresh sent. Her eyes fluttered shut as she felt warmth spread over her body and a smile enveloped her face. There was a card posted on a stick that was placed in the side of the vase. She took it out and to read what was written.

It is the unexpected that changes our lives.


"Who are those from mom?" Jeremy asked, bringing his mother out of her daze that she found herself stuck in.

"There from...M-my friend Chris." Giselle quickly said as she closed the door and made her way back to the kitchen. "I've got your lunch and some juice for you." She sat the flowers down on the counter and picked up her phone and sent a text to Chris.

Sometimes I think you're too good to be true...They're beautiful. Thank You!

"Ugh peanut butter and jelly again?" Jeremy sounded disappointed as he took his place at the kitchen island. "We've had it twice now this week." He laid his elbows on the granite and rested his chin in his hands.

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