Chapter 27

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"That's too much flour honey, use a knife and level it out." Giselle's mother Vivian instructed as she watched her daughter pour ingredients into a mixing bowl.

"I was just going to do that mom. Geez." Giselle jokingly fired back as she scraped the excess off the top of the measuring cup and the excess fell back into the bag.

"Baking isn't cooking. It has to be more exact to get it right." Her mom explained as she crossed through the kitchen to join her at the counter to watch over her daughter's shoulder.

"You know baking has never been my strong suit."

"Yes, I do. But I know you can do it. It just takes patience."

Jeremy's birthday party was tomorrow, and they were in the middle of making the cake. It was a tradition they had started when Giselle was 10. Her mother would always do it all while Giselle watched. But this year, she wanted to learn for herself how to make it.

"I've never really been good with patience."

"I know that too sweetheart."

Once the cake was placed into the hot oven, Her mother started on the frosting. "When does Chris get in?" Vivian asked as she pressed start on the stand mixer.

"He gets in tonight. But it'll be late, so I won't see him until the party." Giselle explained while she leaned against the counter on her elbows, but her arms were crossed over her chest.

"Now that you've been dating so long, Have you two talked about the future?" Vivian questioned while adding sugar to the mixing bowl.

Giselle blushed and felt a warmth rush through her body remembering the moment they shared at Chris' home in California nearly a month ago. The night that they allowed themselves to dream about what their future would be like. A future she hoped would come true. "We've talked about having a family one day, so I would say we're headed in the right direction."

"You two will make beautiful grand babies for me to spoil." Vivian gushed over the idea, taking a moment to smile at her daughter from across the counter. "How are things going since the pictures were put online?" 

" It's mostly blown over. Things are pretty much back to normal." Giselle explained as uncrossed her arms and rested her hands on the surface in front of her.

Without Giselle's name being released to the public, it wasn't as bad as she expected it to be. But as a precaution, She did set all her accounts to private and went through her friend's list to only keep the people she knew she could trust. Trina even sent a formal email at work stating that Giselle's privacy was to be respected and should an employee leak any info it would mean immediate termination.

Understandably Malcom was worried about their son's face being shown to the public and his safety being put at risk. But both Giselle and Chris assured him that they would be more careful in the future so that Jeremy would be kept out of it.

"I know you love him but how does he make you feel?" Vivian inquired seriously. She knew Giselle was in love. She could see it on her face whenever Chris was brought up but being in love and how a person makes you feel don't always go hand in hand.

"I love when I get to spend time with him when he's here of course, but he also makes me feel warm because he still gives me butterflies. I feel secure because I can just be myself and he loves me anyway. And I feel safe because I know he'd do anything to protect me."

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