Chapter 36

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Chris lost all his control from her teasing. Both of his hands gently grabbed her face and pulled her lips fully against his. He smiled when he felt her lift her hips. He grabbed himself in his hand, pumping a couple of times, before rubbing the head of his cock against her entrance. He lined himself up and with his one hand while the other grabbed a hold of her hip and guided her down.

Giselle sucked in a deep breath and let it go when she felt how fully Chris filled her. She ground her hips against his as she began bouncing up and down. With their lips still connected she ran all ten fingers through his hair and grabbed a handful, pulling his head back to look her in the eye. "You feel so good baby. Fuck."

Chris laid kisses against her neck and traced her jaw with the tip of his nose. Both of his hands came down to her ass to help her movements quicken and grind her even harder against him. The way she had teased him with the strip tease and the way her pussy was squeezing his dick almost got the best of him.

Chris maneuvered their bodies, so he was lying on top of Giselle. He held both of her legs up and spread them wide before sitting back on his knees. He watched the way a part of him disappeared into her as he thrusted over and over again.

Giselle's felt him hit her g-spot again and again. The only thing she could do was grab on to the sheets above her head and hold on while he worked her body. She looked up at Chris and saw him with his eyes closed focusing on lasting as long as possible. She intentionally tightened her Kegel muscles around him and felt his hands tighten around her thighs.

Chris felt the need to slow down his pace or he knew that he wouldn't last very much longer. "Mm." Was all he could get out as he listened to the sound of the bed creaking and the moans falling from Giselle's lips. He was hypnotized by the way her breasts bounced up and down each time his hips connected with hers.

Giselle raised up and put her feet on the bed. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she pulled him to lie on top of her again. "Don't stop. Please." She pleaded breathlessly beside his ear. "I want to cum so bad."

"I'm not stopping Elle." Chris responded against her neck as he began swirling his hips. One of his hands laced his fingers through hers as he concentrated on her face that was contorted in pleasure. "Cum for me baby. I need to feel you."

Giselle rested her head against his as she released labored breaths, and she felt the tension building inside of her. Her body shook from the orgasm that exploded from her body when she finally let go.

As Giselle tightened even more around Chris, he had to work harder to keep pushing inside but he didn't stop until he felt his own release break free. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Were the only words that he could form while he felt himself empty inside of her.

Both of their bodies were covered in sweat by the time they rested on the bed next to each other.

Chris needed her as close as possible, so he brought her into his side by wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

Giselle's head rested on his chest, and she felt him leaving a kiss on the top of her head. "Mm." She hummed as she nuzzled her face into his neck.

"What was the issue with that girl Felicity?" Chris was the first to break the silence.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." Giselle brushed off his concern. She was still enjoying the endorphins coursing through her body and didn't want to ruin the mood.

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