Chapter 35

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The drive back to Chris' house took double the time due to the condition of the roads. By the time he pulled into the garage his eyes felt heavy and he sat for a moment after turning off the car to prepare himself to go inside.

Giselle had fallen asleep 20 minutes ago, mid conversation as Chris was telling her how the reshoots went and what he and his costars did while not on set. He was in the middle of a sentence when he heard her softly snoring. He turned down the music than what it was and adjusted the heat so she would be comfortable.

Chris did his best to get out of the car without waking her but as soon as he moved his shoulder Giselle woke up but still obviously sleepy.

"Mmm. Babe are we home?" Giselle said groggily and finished with a yawn. She looked around with squinted eyes and adjusted to her surroundings.

"Yeah, sweetheart we're home." Chris said softly as he exited the car and then went to her side and opened the door.

Giselle took his hand and was led inside. Dodger greeted them, wagging his tail and waiting patiently to be scratched behind the ears. "Hey bud. Look who's with me."

Chris kneeled to show some love to his best friend. "I missed you too." He said as he kissed him on the nose.

Once dodger had all the love they could give. They both removed their jackets, hanging up their jackets and slipping their shoes off.

Giselle grabbed Chris' hand and pulled him back to the bedroom.

Chris was the first to strip down and lie down in bed, he went through emails, checked a few text messages, and updated his upcoming calendar. He began to wonder what was taking Giselle so long when she hadn't come out of the closet for 15 minutes. "Baby. Are you good?" He shouted in the room; he sat up and was going to go find her when he saw her step into the doorway.

Giselle was leaning against the frame. One arm was above her head and a hand was twirling the end of her hair around her finger. "I believe you have earned your surprise early." She said seductively.

Chris raised an eyebrow in surprise and slowly looked her up and down. He licked his lips and brought the bottom one in to bite down on it. He loved the white lace bra, panties and garter belt set she was wearing, seeing that it accentuated all her curves. He stood from the bed and began walking toward her.

"Tsk tsk." Giselle said as she wiggled her finger at him. "You can enjoy but not touch."

"That's not fair." Chris whined as he caged her against the wall with his hands on either side.

"Go sit down on the bed." She said pushing a hand against his chest to keep him from kissing her like she knew he wanted to do. "And no touching yourself either."

Chris leaned in anyway and stole a kiss before he retreated as he was told. He made himself comfortable, stripping down to his boxer briefs and sat against the headboard.

Giselle went back to the closet to grab her phone to select the song she would be dancing to.

Chris perked up when he heard the music start to play.

I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you, yes

Wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you, yes

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