Chapter 2

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Giselle arrived at the Sunrise Café, there were already cars lining the street outside. It was typical for Sunday brunch, so it wasn't surprising. Immediately she made her way inside and back to the kitchen to the lockers used by the workers to put her coat and purse away. The aroma of food filled the entire restaurant, it made her regret missing breakfast. Before she exited the back room, she overlooked her appearance in the wall mirror. Her Curly brown hair was held back with a head band, with the tendrils falling around her face. She was wearing a crisp button down top; two buttons were undone with the sleeves were rolled up to her elbows. Lastly, she smoothed out the black pencil skirt that fitted to her curvy hips.

Giselle said hello to Nick and Kevin that were busy prepping veggies and peeked her head into the kitchen to say hey to Mike and Jake.  she passed by the front register and kissed her mother on the cheek before finding her spot at the podium situated at the entrance.

Her mother Vivian had owned the restaurant for the past 10 years. She opened it after she retired from teaching the 3rd grade for 30 years. The establishment had started out small but over the years they worked together to grow the business. Just last year it had won the Boston Globe's best spot to have brunch. Giselle was proud of her mother following her dreams.

It had always been just her and her mom. Giselle's father left and remarried when she was 10 years old. He came around occasionally on birthdays and holidays but for the most part he acted like she didn't exist.

But Giselle and her mother had made the best of it and were extremely close.

When Giselle arrived at the front desk, she looked over the waiting list already filled with 5 names waiting for a table. With a full house the wait time would be up to at least 45 minutes to an hour. Again, typical for a Sunday.

Within the first 5 minutes of working, she was already approached by 3 people asking when a table would be ready for them. The thing Giselle disliked the most was people that couldn't be patient. She always had a polite smile on her face reserved for the customers, but she couldn't deny it was one of her pet peeves.

"Hoffman, table for 3." Giselle called out to the small crowd in the waiting area. She grabbed menus and silverware before having them follow her to a table close to the front. "Your waitress will be Jillian and she'll be right with you."

When she returned to the front, she crossed the names off the list and was interrupted by a man clearing his throat to get her attention.

"How long for a table of 5?" the man said.

Without looking up, Giselle reevaluated the list. "It'll be at least an hour."


She snapped her head up and was reunited with a pair of familiar blue eyes that made her stomach flood with butterflies.

"Chris!" Giselle squeaked out. Her mouth immediately went dry.

Chris looked back at her with his famous smile present and in full effect. He was dressed in a white button up, blue blazer jacket and blue slacks. His hair was slicked back, and his beard had been freshly trimmed. The man looked like he just walked out of a photoshoot.

"You were the last person I expected to see today." Chris stated, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck.

"Likewise." Giselle looked down attempting to hide the blush attacking her face.

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