Chapter 7

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Chris took his time navigating his way through the city streets while Giselle tried to figure out exactly where they were going. The car would light up periodically as they drove past the streetlights lining the road. The surrounding area looked familiar, but all the fancier restaurants were in the opposite direction from where they were headed. Her curiosity was running wild of exactly where he was taking her.

"You'll never figure it out." Chris chuckled in the seat next to her. He glanced over at her with a sexy half smile before he turned his attention back to the road.

"Who said I was trying to figure anything out?" Giselle grinned and turned in her seat to face him more directly.

"That look on your face and those wondering eyes." Chris reached over, grabbing her hand and brought it up to his mouth to kiss her knuckles.

"You're supposed to be watching the road. Not watching me." Giselle teased.

"Can you blame me?" Chris shrugged. "I have a beautiful woman in my car, in a beautiful dress..." He looked over to scan her body.

"Well focus, because I'd rather not die." Giselle smiled and playfully reached over to push his face back in the direction of the road with her fingers. "Tell me how the rest of the trip to D.C went?"

"Ha. Nice subject change." Chris laughed to himself. "It went well. We got enough lawmakers to agree to provide commentary so as of right now it looks like the website will be launched on time."

Giselle could see the pride that exuded from him every time he talked about the next venture that he was taking on.

During the time he was away she could see what a big deal it was that he was branching out from his acting career. Chris had told her all about his fears of taking a risk and it not working out. He didn't want to just be known for his role as "Captain America."

"That's great!" Giselle cheerfully offered her support. "When is it launching again?"

"Mark and I think it could be ready to go by mid-summer."

"And are you still nervous?" Giselle questioned wanting to gauge how he was feeling.

Chris shifted in his seat. It was a sign that he was becoming uncomfortable. "I'm still working through it but I'm excited for the next thing."

"It'll take off, trust me." Giselle pulled his hand into her lap. She wanted to let him know that she was there for him. "I can tell by the way that you talk about it with so much passion that you're putting everything you have into it."

Chris was touched by her words of encouragement. Once again, he brought her hand up to his mouth.

Giselle gave another smile before turning her head to look out the window again. She could finally recognize that they were turning down Huntington Avenue. She sat up more in her seat as the Museum of Fine Arts came into view. "What are we doing here?" She asked looking at Chris, raising a curious eyebrow in his direction.

Chris grinned widely as he pulled the car to a complete stop and put it into park. "You'll see."

Without another word, he turned off the car and made his way to her side to help her out.

Chris offered his arm so that they could make their way up the steps.

The only lights shinning from the building were from the front entrance. The museum had closed hours ago. The parking lot was completely deserted. The only sound leading up to the front doors were the sounds of their shoes hitting the stone.

"You're really not going to tell me?" Giselle said turning to look at Chris who was trying to hold on to the secret.

"Like I said. You'll see." He said as he bent down to peck her lips.

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