Chapter 39

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Giselle was woken up by Chris running his fingers through her hair. Her eyes opened and she scooted closer to rest her head on his chest. She released a contented sigh when she wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Good morning." Chris greeted her as he kissed the top of her head. "We gotta get moving sweetheart."

"Mmm. Just a little longer." Giselle whimpered as she wrapped her leg around his.

Chris chuckled softly while he rubbed her back. "If we get up now, we can stop at Starbucks on the way out of town."

Giselle popped up with one of her elbows pressing into the bed and looked down at him. "You promise?"

A smile grew on Chris' face at her new found alertness. He lifted up from his pillow and kissed the end of her nose. "Yes. I promise."

"Ok. Let's go." Giselle said as she hopped off the bed. Before she stepped in to the bathroom, her bra and panties were on the floor.

Chris took a moment to admire the view before kicking off the blankets and standing by the bed. No matter how many times he saw her, he was infatuated. Dodger found him and sat on his hind legs to paw at his stomach. "Ok, let's go out bud." He said as he went to his dresser to slip on a pair of flannel pants and white muscle tee.

Once dodger did his business and ran back inside to the warmth, Chris hurried back to the bathroom, in hopes that Giselle was still wet and naked in the shower, but he was sourly disappointed when he found her stepping out and wrapping herself in a towel. "Nooo."

Giselle smiled at him before standing face to face and pressing her chest against his. "Aww. Poor baby." She cooed as she lifted a hand to brush back a strand that had fallen in his face.

Chris pouted, sticking out his lip for dramatic effect and one hand took hold of her waist. His other hand put a finger in the edge of the towel and pulled just far enough so he could see the curve of her breasts. "Mmm."  He moaned as he peered up to look at her underneath his lashes.

"Nuh uh Mr. Evans. We're on a time crunch." Giselle teased him as she stepped back and pulled the towel closer to her.

"Ugh. You're so mean." Chris whined as he watched her back up to the bathroom counter. He followed her and caged her in with his arms on both sides. "Be nice to me."

Giselle shook her head at his childishness but felt how much she loved the way he loved her. He made her feel beautiful and desirable but also had a way of making her feel strong. She always felt safe with him, not just in the physical sense but also because she knew she could be her real self. "What about our plans?"

Chris smirked at her once again, feeling his erection grow underneath his soft Cotton pants. "What about 'em?" He said as he pressed himself against her hip.

Giselle couldn't resist connecting their lips. As soon as she made contact, she wrapped her arms around his neck. The towel fell to her feet, and she gasped when he moved her to sit on the marble surface.

Chris spread her legs so he could stand between them. One hand ran a finger up her slit and the other while the other pushed down the waist band of his pants. He moaned when he felt her bite down on his bottom lip. He moved his hips forward to press his cock against her entrance. "I love you so much." Chris said when he pulled his lips away and cupped each side of her face between his hands.

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