Chapter 11

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***2 weeks later***

"Mom." Giselle yelled as she walked through her mother's restaurant. It was now a stark contrast from the once bustling eatery it once was. The chairs were all flipped over on the tables, the liquor behind the bar had all been cleared away and there were only 5 employees left on the payroll. Like many businesses around the city, her mother was doing her best to stay afloat. "Mom, where are you at?"

"I'm back here honey." Vivian answered. She was in the middle of boxing up orders that had come in over the lunch hour.

"I thought you said you weren't going to be working today?" Giselle asked her mother as she looked at her in disapproval. They had discussed her cutting down her hours to limit her exposure to the virus. The health leaders that were keeping the world informed about the pandemic had said that the elderly and the immune-compromised individuals were at the highest risk. Her mother always wore a mask, but it still didn't settle her concerns.

"Yes, yes, I know but Mike called in. He said wasn't feeling good." Vivian explained, not stopping from portioning out food into the takeout boxes. "I'm fine honey. I've been careful so far. You don't have to worry about me."

Giselle rolled her eyes and placed her purse down on the metal worktable. "Yes, I do ma. I wish you would take this seriously."

"What do you want me to do? Huh?" ...Vivian raised her voice, losing her composure under all the stress. "I'm a month behind on rent. How will I keep going if I turn down what little business I have coming in?"

Giselle raised her hands, letting her mother know that she meant no harm. It wasn't like her mother to lose her temper, but she understood the stress that she was under. "Look I know that it's been hard. I'll do more to help, but I need to be sure you're safe." Giselle had moved around the table and stood in front of her mother, holding on to her shoulders. "Of everything going wrong in the world, losing you can't be one of them" She pleaded desperately with her mother; her voice cracked at the end.

Vivian nodded her head once in agreement and took a deep breath. She didn't mean to get so upset but she was watching her dream fall apart piece by piece. She wasn't ready to let it go yet. "Ok baby. I'll keep it to 3 days a week. I don't want you to worry." She lifted her hand and cupped her daughter's cheek. She softened her face to show she had calmed down.

"Do you need any help?" Giselle asked seeing that she had at least 5 more boxes to fill.

"No, no, no...Aren't Jeremy and Chris meeting tomorrow?" Vivian asked as she resumed her task. "Do you think it'll go well?"

"Yeah, I think they'll like each other. Chris is amazing. You'd love him." Giselle's smile was hidden by her mask but the look in her eyes was easily recognizable.

"And when do I get my turn to meet him?" Vivian inquired, stopping what she was doing to lean against the table.

"You will mom. I promise. One thing at a time." Giselle playfully rolled her eyes once again and grabbed an apron that was hanging on the wall, deciding to help her mother finish up.

"Is he a nice man?" her mother inquired. Her relationship with her mother had always been open and transparent. It was just the two of them for so long. They worried about each other.

"Yes mom." Giselle jokingly scoffed at the question. "I told you that after the first date back in March."

"I know. But I just want to make sure that nothing has changed." Vivian explained. "I just don't want him to be like that other man. I never liked him." She made her concern and dislike for Jeremy's father very clear.

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