Chapter 29

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Chris couldn't hold back any longer. He crashed his lips to hers and instantly let go of a moan into her mouth as he pushed his tongue inside. He moved his body forward as he gently pushed her back to lie down on the bed. One hand gripped on of her breast tightly while the other moved up and down the soft skin of her thigh. His moved down to place kisses against her neck and collarbone, then to her chest, stomach and then to each of her thighs.

Giselle felt a chill run through her body when she felt his fingers slip into the waist band of her panties and pull them off. She lifted her head and peered down at him at the end of the bed. He was staring back at her with hooded eyes that were filled with lust. Her body jerked when she felt him move two fingers inside of her and curled them to hit her g-spot. "Chris..." his named escaped her lips when she felt his tongue flick on her clit.

"I know baby." Chris said as he pulled away to look at the pleasure covering her face. "I love you too."

Chris continued to move his fingers in and out, they were soaked from the wetness flowing out of her. He alternated between his tongue swirling circles and sucking on her swollen bud. He was spurred on by the moans filling the quiet room around them. He felt his cock getting harder with each new sound.

Giselle did her best to lie still and enjoy the way he was working her body but she was defenseless against him. He hummed against her which added to the already extraordinary pleasure and tightness in her stomach that was growing .

Chris knew when she was teetering on the edge when he felt her tighten around his fingers but he continued, refusing to stop until she came completely undone for him. It was one of his favorite things in the world. He pulled away just for a second to witness the sight of her withering from what he was doing to her.

"Please don't stop." Giselle managed to her out in between moans that escaped her body. "Please."

"Yes ma'am." Chris smiled wickedly before he dived back down between her legs. He savored the taste that was covering his tongue, not knowing how she always tasted so sweet.

Giselles hands clenched on to the sheets in an effort to rein herself in but she knew she was going to lose the battle she was fighting. Before she could stop what was happening, her walls pulsated and she let go. She gave in to the euphoria rushing over her body in waves. Instinctively one of her hands pushed his face tighter against where she needed him most.

Chris removed his fingers from her when Giselle had reached her final peak and held her legs open so he could lick every last drop that was flowing out. When he was sure he got all of it, he climbed on the bed to lay his body on top of hers.

Giselle's body was still vibrating and she was huffing out breaths when Chris connected their lips. The taste of herself in his mouth caused the arousal to build again and she definitely wanted to feel him inside her. 

Chris pulled away from devouring her mouth and pulled back to sit on his knees. Wordlessly he grabbed her hip and flipped her over on her stomach. He maneuvered her ass so it was sitting at the right height so he could enter her from behind.

Giselle felt the ache in her pussy, realizing what was coming next, the anticipation drove her crazy.  Even though she wanted it more than anything, she still sucked in a deep breath when he entered her and gave her a second to adjust to his size. His cock rubbed against her walls as he moved in and out.

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