Chapter 37

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Giselle joined Chris and Jeremy in the kitchen where they were already having breakfast. She pulled a seat out at the kitchen island and grabbed a plate from the center of the counter. The sight of eggs, turkey sausage and breakfast potatoes made her stomach growl "This smells so good."

Chris finished pouring cream in a mug and added black coffee. "I think this will make it better." He added as he turned around to place it in front of Giselle.

"Mmm." Giselle let out as she brought the mug up to her mouth to take in the heavenly scent before taking the first sip. "You're so going to get rewarded for this later." Giselle said as she peeked up to look at him from under her lashes.

"Don't threaten me with a good time." Chris responded back as moved around the perimeter of the island, wiggling his eyebrows.

Giselle hid her smile as she took another drink from her mug, but her eyes watched him lustfully as he took his seat next to her. 

"Do I get a reward too? I helped make the eggs." Jeremy asked with a mouth full of food.

"Of course, baby. What would you like?" Giselle asked as she tore her eyes away from Chris and toward her son.

"Hmm." Jeremy brought his hand up to his chin as he thought of his answer. "Can we build a snowman?"

"Do you wanna build a snow man." Chris sang out at the mention of the winter activity.

Giselle darted her eyes back to his, smiling and slapping his chest in amusement. "Yes baby we can. Finish up eating and we'll get all bundled up."

Jeremy finished breakfast as fast as he could, barely taking a breath in between bites despite Giselle asking him to slow down.

Once the dishes were cleared away, Chris and Jeremy put on their jackets and boots while Giselle went back to the bedroom to change into clothes.

Giselle put on a dark blue knitted sweater, a pair of fleece lined leggings and her pair of brown Ugg boots. As she was walking toward the patio door when she heard Chris' phone buzzing from a text message he had just received.

Giselle walked to the counter, intending to take Chris' phone to him outside. The screen lit up when she took it her hand and she was instantly confused by both the name and the message.

Ana: Can't wait to see you on Saturday. I've missed you so much.

Giselle gasped, with thoughts running through her mind. Who was Ana? Why was this woman texting her boyfriend? And as hard she tried she couldn't remember Chris telling her about plans for the weekend?

Giselle ran her hand through her hair with her stomach turning in knots and took a deep breath, reassuring herself that Chris would have a reasonable explanation. He had never given her a reason before to not trust him so all she could do was have faith that the text was completely innocent.

Giselle grabbed her coat, hat and gloves before heading outside with Chris' phone in her hand.

Both Chris and Jeremy were in the middle of rolling balls of snow of different sizes. Chris was working on the larger one, rolling it around in the snow, while Jeremy packed more and more snow into a smaller one.

"Mommy, can you make the medium size snow ball for his belly?" Jeremy asked pausing what he was doing and looking up at her with his rosy cheeks from being in the cold.

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