Chapter 40

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"The bellman will accompany you to your room Mr. Evans. And thank you for choosing the St. Regis Hotel."

"Thank you." Chris said as he slid a 100-dollar bill across the desk to the concierge. He turned and joined Giselle who was in the sitting area not too far from the front desk.

Giselle put her phone away when he stood in front of her. She took his outstretched hand to stand and walk with him toward the elevator.

"Baby, let him get that." Chris told her as Giselle grabbed for her suitcase.

Giselle pulled her hand away like it had just been burned.

"Yes miss. Please let me assist you." The bellman said with a friendly smile.

Giselle accepted it and entered the elevator with Chris, standing next to him with her arm wrapped around his. She did her best not to pout like a child who had just been scolded. She wasn't used to this way of life yet. The nicest hotel she stayed at the last time she was in NYC was the Hyatt in Times Square. This was mostly definitely a shock to the system.

The bellman hit the top button that was labeled the penthouse which started them on a 2-minute ride to the top of the building. When the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Giselle was understandably blown away by the view of the city on the other side of the room. She walked forward and tilted her head up to admire the turn of the century architecture, the vaulted ceilings and original crown moldings. It was the type of thing only seen on lifestyles of the rich and famous.

"Thank you. Have a great day." Chris said to the bellman, again handing out money in appreciation of his service.

"Of course, sir. If you need anything at all, dial 1 on the phone and I'll be right up to assist you." The man explained before he descended in the elevator.

Giselle walked up behind Chris and wrapped around his center as she placed her head on his back. "I'm so happy to be here with you."

Chris rubbed her arms softly. "I am too, future Mrs. Evans." He said as he smiled to himself at the thought of her taking his last name. He moved her body to the front and took hold of her hips.

Giselle felt warmth spread throughout her body and giggled softly as she looked up at him. "Who said I was taking you last name? As you know I'm an independent woman."

Chris raised his eyebrow at her question and statement. Her independence was one of main reasons he loved her. She didn't need him, she wanted him which made him feel so much more appreciated. "That's completely up to you sweetheart. Just you saying yes is all I want."

Giselle blushed and lifted on her toes to peck his lips. After all this time he still gave her butterflies and it never ceased to amaze her. "Either way, I can't wait to be your wife."

"Oh, trust me. I will count the minutes, hours, and days until you say I do." Chris said before kissing the top of her head.

Giselle stepped back and grabbed the handle of her suitcase. She pulled it with her to the dresser and opened it to unpack. As she was moving the clothes into the drawer; she got to the bottom and realized she forgot to pack her dress for the party that night. "Shit." She said under her breath.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked concerned as he brought the drink, he had poured himself up to his lips. The whiskey was welcomed after a long day of driving.

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