Chapter 21

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"Then kiss me. Mr. Evans"

Chris needed no more permission before he crashed his lips against hers again, releasing a sigh when he moved his hands up to her hair. He pulled her closer to himself as the other hand grabbed on to her ass, earning a yelp from her. He slowly moved it hand along the skin of her velvet soft thighs until it reached her knee and hooked it around his hip. He moved his body on top of hers, grinding into her.

A moan escaped from her body when she felt the weight of him, holding down her body. She raised her hand to caress his beard rubbing against her face. She pushed her hand on his chest until he was flat on his back and moved to straddle him. She pulled away, hooking her fingers into the waistband of his boxer briefs, and started moving them down to free him from the fabric.

Chris sat up against the headboard and removed his shirt before helping her to take off her bra. He gripped on to her hips and moved her center over his. He leaned forward to connect his mouth to her nipple that was hovering close to his face. A moan escaped him as his tongue swirled over it.

Giselle lifted her body so she could remove her panties, but Chris used his hands to rip them off and then tossed them to the side of the bed. When her hips reconnected with his, she felt his cock pressing against her entrance that was dripping from the way he was worshipping her. She moved her pussy over his erection, causing him to let a growl rumble through his chest at the sensation.

"Elle, be nice." Chris warned when he removed his mouth away from her breast. He gripped the back of her neck, making her look him in the eyes.

Giselle looked down at him, biting her lip and raising a flirtatious eyebrow. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to tease you." She reached between them, taking hold of him and pumped it in her hand. She raised up, lining him up at her entrance and lowered herself slowly until he was buried deep inside of her. "Is that better?"

Chris released her neck and moved them to her ass before he slapped it with a hard sting. "Good girl." He said as he attached his lips with her neck and sucked on her collarbone.

Giselle began to bounce up and down on his cock, getting lost in the feeling of him hitting her sweet spot over and over. She ran her fingers through his hair before pulling his had back from her skin and colliding her lips with his.

Chris kept her close with one hand pressing on her back so her chest would rub against his and his other hand gripped her hip firmly, helping her move up and down at a constant pace. With every thrust he felt her becoming more wet and could feel her starting to drip down his cock. "You like when I'm inside you like this, don't you?" he whispered as he moved his mouth next to her ear.

Giselle lost in the feeling building inside of her stomach, she couldn't do anything more than whimper to his question. If she was honest with herself, she could do this for hours if it were possible. She couldn't remember a time that her body had ever reacted this way to anyone else. She couldn't help but arch her back from the goosebumps rising on every inch of her.

Chris didn't like not being answered so he moved a hand to roughly take hold of her jaw, forcing her to look at him again. "I asked you a question baby."

Giselle's eyes were still closed, and her mouth gaped open from breathing heavy as she tried reigning herself in. Her eyes snapped open and stared down at him, seeing his pupils blown with lust as he slowly licked his lips, waiting for her response. "Yes, I do. No one else does this to me."

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