Chapter 5

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Chris was the first to the diner. He sat at the counter, tearing the wrapper to his straw in little pieces and he couldn't help shaking his leg uncontrollably from his nerves. Just about every minute he checked his watch, and his head snapped toward the door whenever the bell above the door would signal another person entering the establishment.

"Are you worried about something?" The middle-aged waitress asked as she placed silverware and menus down on the countertop. She was looking at him with a curious look on her face.

Chris swallowed deeply and reminded himself to take a deep breath. "You could say that. I'm waiting on someone." He said looking at the direction of the door again.

"You must really like her the way you tore up this paper." The waitress looked down at the mess in front of her and began sweeping it off the counter with her hand.

"You could say that." Chris smiled to himself and ran his hand down his beard. The kiss from last night playing through his head as if it was on a constant reel.

Giselle found a spot across from the diner and took a moment to collect herself. She looked in the mirror and checked her teeth to make sure there were no specs of food or lip gloss present. "You got this." She attempted to give herself a pep talk. "He's just a normal guy, no reason to be nervous." She didn't fully believe the last part, but she was already running late and didn't want to keep him waiting.

The bell above the door rang out as Giselle walked in. She turned her head to the left and right looking for Chris. There were other patrons filling the tables, booths and sitting at the counter. She could see the cooks in the window of the kitchen flipping burgers and one of the waitresses in the middle of making a chocolate shake.

Giselle's eyes finally landed on Chris who was standing like a gentleman and smiling that famous sexy smile, his hand waving her over. She met him at spot and immediately they embraced.

Chris took a deep breath inhaling a mixture of scents emanating from her and kissed her cheek. He helped her take off her jacket before placing it on the back of her chair. "Again, you look great." As his eyes roamed over her.

"Thanks, you look great too." Giselle blushed, returning the glance.

He was dressed down in a red and blue flannel with the sleeves pushed up on his arms, white tee underneath, black jeans and his hair was hiding under a black NASA baseball cap. She didn't think he could look bad if he tried.

"Thanks for meeting me." Chris said while reaching up, grabbing Giselle's hand, and pulling to his mouth to kiss her knuckles to leave a soft kiss.

Before Giselle could respond, they were interrupted by the waitress asking to take their drink orders. She ordered water not being able to stomach anything else and Chris ordered a pot of coffee with cream and sugar.

Soon the waitress came back and took the order for their food. A comfortable silence fell over them.

"Last night you got me good with your little move. Not that I'm complaining." Chris held his hands up in defense, his smile got wider, and he exhaled a laugh.

"Last night there were a lot of alcohol involved so I can't be completely held responsible for all my actions." Giselle chuckled to herself and took drink of water.

"And what about that kiss? Was that the alcohol too?" Chris lifted his hand and brought it up to cup her cheek.

Giselle leaned further into his touch, feeling her insides heat up again from that familiar heat from last night. "No that was all me" She said looking into his intoxicating blue eyes again daring him to make a move.

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