Chapter 9

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After a quick shower and a change into fresh clothes, Giselle found herself on the front steps of Trina's condo. She knocked 3 times and waited for the inevitable assault.

Right on cue she heard a parade of footsteps growing louder as they got closer. Not a second later both Trina and Jeremy were standing in the doorway.

"Mom!" Jeremy said happily as he wrapped himself her.

Giselle bent down to his level and encircled him in her arms. He wasn't always a perfect kid, but she cherished moments like these. Before pulling away she leaves a kiss on his cheek. "I missed you too baby."

"It's about damn time." Trina said jokingly as if she were annoyed but was holding out a glass of red wine for Giselle to take.

"Don't start." Giselle smacked her lips and playfully rolled her eyes before accepting the glass. "Let's order lunch and I'll spill the tea." Giselle said as she took Jeremy's hand and led him back inside.

"And it better be good, because I want to hear every. last. detail." Trina put emphasis at the end as she closed the door behind them.

Once Jeremy was distracted by episodes of The Power Rangers in the living room and food was ordered from Doordash, the two women pulled up chairs at the kitchen island.

Trina took it upon herself to top off both of their glasses that were only half full and took out another bottle for "just in case" purposes. Those were her words exactly.

"So...." Trina began as she crossed her hands in front of her.

"So..." Giselle looked down at counter and smiled to herself as her cheeks flushed thinking about the last 18 hours. She was still trying to convince herself that it all had happened.

"Girl I will come across this island and smack you if you keep playing with me." Trina stated irritated with her eyes narrowed.

Giselle threw up her hands in surrender and took another drink of her wine for courage. "Ok. Ok. It was for lack of a better word amazing."

Trina raised her eyebrows and waved her hands impatiently, prompting Giselle to continue. "And?"

"And it was one of the best nights and morning of my life." Giselle narrated. "He rented out the Art Museum. There was a table set up with lights and flowers in one of the galleries. There was soft music playing, and he even had the Van Gogh interactive experience casted on the walls. It was.... amazing." When Giselle finished, she stared adoringly into the glass in front of her. Her smile was so wide that her cheeks hurt.

There was silence while Trina looked over at her best friend's face. It had been too long since she had seen genuine happiness exuding from her. From her point of view there was no one more deserving.

"You're so happy." Trina said bobbing her head in amazement. "In fact, I would say you're glowing which means that more than just an amazing date happened." She prodded while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Giselle couldn't help but grin uncontrollably to herself as the scenes from last night and this morning replayed in her head. She could still feel the kisses on her body and the feeling of him between her legs. The thought of it sent warmth right to her core.

"Oh yeah, I know that look...." Trina said patiently waiting for more information. "And I swear if you only say it was amazing, I'm going to make good on my promise and smack you."

"But it was amazing." Giselle laughed at her friends threatening look from across the counter. "But to put you out of your misery. We had sex...twice. Last night and this morning. Both times I swear...The man is blessed if you know what I mean." She said raising an eyebrow suggestively.

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