Chapter 4

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Giselle was woken up by Jeremy coming into her room, jumping on the bed, and colliding with her stomach. Immediately she was reminded of her alcohol consumption just hours ago. The aching in her head was throbbing, alternating between dull and sharp pain. It was much too early for her liking, but duty called.

Giselle turned over, putting her face halfway into her pillow. "Hey bubba." She greeted her son.

"Good morning mommy!" Jeremy said brightly and clearly well rested. "Can I go watch cartoons in the living room?"

Giselle squeezed her eyes shut, attempting to avoid the light that was spilling in from the hallway. "That sounds like a good idea baby."

"Ok mommy." Jeremy said before he climbed out her bed and headed out the room.

Giselle laid in bed for another 10 minutes when the events of last night came flooding back to her mind.

Chills travelled through her body just thinking about the way Chris's lips felt on hers and how it sent fire throughout her body. It was most definitely a 10 out 10.

Giselle reached over to the nightstand, grabbing her phone, and checking it for any new notifications. She wasn't surprised there were no new texts or calls, it was after all only 8:30 am. More than likely, he was still sleeping. To avoid overthinking, she pushed the thoughts from her head.

Not being unable to put it off any longer, Giselle stretched. The sound of 33-year-old body joints cracking. Her feet hit the cold hardwood floors and she made her way into the master bathroom in her room. Looking in the mirror, she could see the dark circles under eyes and the frizziness of her hair going in all directions. She took down her hair and did her best to smooth it out before forming it into a messy bun on the top of her head. She then removed the foul taste of alcohol from her breath by brushing her teeth, trying her best not to gag on the taste of mint. She dressed in a pair of black leggings and an oversized grey Boston university t-shirt from her college days.

When Giselle started to feel slightly more human, she made her way out to the kitchen in desperate need of a cup of coffee. While she waited for it to brew, she could hear cartoons playing on the tv in the living room. She was grateful that Jeremy was distracted for the moment.

Feeling her stomach growl, Giselle pulled out the eggs, bacon and frozen hashbrowns to begin making breakfast. "Jeremy, do you want some orange juice?"

"Yes please." Jeremy answered while joining her to sit at the kitchen island.

Giselle placed a glass in front of him and resumed cooking breakfast. She put some music on to pump herself up a little. She picked a playlist that included a mix from Pink! And Taylor swift to Al Green and Sade. Before long she was swaying back and forth to the music.

When Giselle was done, she placed a plate in front of Jeremy and pulled up her own seat at the kitchen island to eat. Instinctively she picked up her phone and again saw no new texts or phone calls. She hit the corner button to turn off the screen and placed it upside down on the counter, vowing not to check it for at least a couple of more hours.

There was loud knock on the door. She hadn't been expecting anyone, so it came as a surprise. Another knock on the door and she pushed herself away from her seat to greet whoever was there.

"Who is it?" Giselle yelled as she moved closer to the front door.

"Let me in honey. It's me." Giselle's mother Vivian answered.

"Mom!" Giselle sounded in surprise. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the restaurant?"

"Amanda is going to handle things today, so I thought I'd come check on you." Her mother pushed past her and into her apartment, placing her jacket on the coat rack by the door. "And I needed to see my baby." She was then bum rushed by Jeremy who hopped down from the bar stool and gave her the tightest hug he could muster.

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