Chapter 14

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"Go grab a cart baby." Giselle instructed Jeremy as they arrived at the grocery store. "But don't run." She warned from behind her mask.

"I've never seen anyone so excited to go to the grocery store." Chris chuckled, pulling his mask over his face as he closed the door to his car. He was dressed down in a black and white raglan tee, blue jeans, black sneakers, and his California baseball cap backwards on his head.

"I think he's happy to be anywhere but at home. Can't say I blame him." Giselle responded as she took Chris' hand, weaving their fingers together. She had decided to dress comfortably in a light pink camisole with lace on the neckline, a pair of light blue jean shorts and white flip flops.

They walked into the store that was brightly lit from the florescent lights above, there was music playing overhead and the coolness from the air conditioning was a welcome change from the summer weather outside.

Chris and Giselle joined Jeremy, who was all ready to go and waiting with the cart he had picked out.

Giselle pulled out the grocery list from her pocket and double checked that it included everything she would need for the potato salad she had volunteered to make for Chris' birthday. She was nervous to meet his entire family and wanted to make it just right.

"That's the third time you've checked that list." Chris said interrupting her inspection of the piece of paper in her hand. "Here. Give it to me." He said taking it from her hands and lifting it above his head where he knew she couldn't reach. Their difference in height gave him an advantage.

"Give it back." Giselle whined as she reached up on her tip toes to try and grab it from him. Chris kept moving his body to keep it away. When she grew tired of his antics, she tickled his sides. Chris couldn't help but bend down while trying to get himself out of the attack, which allowed Giselle to snatch it back from his hands. "Ha." Giselle teased as she stuck her tongue out at him and waved it teasingly in front of his face.

"Let's get her." Chris said to Jeremy get him to join in on the fun as they chased her further into the store.

"You'll never catch me." Giselle shrieked as she took off down the produce section, dodging other customers in her path. She raced ahead of them and hid in the bread aisle, bending down behind a display of jelly spreads.

"You go that way. And I'll go this way." Chris bent down to whisper to Jeremy, forming a plan to catch Giselle off guard. "We're going to sneak up on her so be really quiet." He said as he brought his finger up in a shushing signal. Jeremy nodded his head in agreement and took off on his own.

Giselle bent down and peeked her head around the corner trying to see if they had caught up with her yet. She saw Jeremy creeping slowly towards her, looking around suspiciously. She stepped back so she could stay hidden. When he came into view, she hopped out from behind the display and scooped him up in her arms. "Gotcha." She was rewarded with giggles from Jeremy as he struggled to get away.

Chris heard the laughter from the next row over and walked in the opposite direction. He smiled when he saw that she was distracted with Jeremy. He walked as quickly and quietly as possible toward her. As soon as he was close enough, he grabbed her waist and pulled her against him, lifting her up in the air with her feet kicking. "You're mine." He playfully growled as he tightened his grip.

"Put me down." Giselle shouted while she laughed a little too loudly, scaring people walking by.

Chris didn't care who was staring at them like they were crazy, he tickled her sides until she was able to escape his grasp.

"I hate you." Giselle said jokingly, hitting his chest and walking away.

Chris looked down at Jeremy standing next to him and put down his hand for the little boy to hit. "Gimme a five."

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