Chapter 17

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****I've included a video this time to set the mood for this chapter****

"Aren't you a pretty little thing."

Giselle felt her body tense at the echo of the officer's words. Her throat felt constricted, and her body went rigid from the feel of his hands roaming over the most sensitive parts of her body. She felt anxiety building, causing her eyes to snap open and her body shoot up from the bed. A gasp left her body, and she rested her hand over her beating heart. Her chest moved up and down rapidly, trying to catch her breath.

The room was covered in darkness with the only the sounds of rain steadily coming down outside and Chris' soft snores next to her as his arm remained around her waist. Giselle relaxed her body beside him and wrapped her own arms around his center, placing her head on his chest and focused on the rhythm of his heartbeat. It helped calm the uneasiness.

At that moment, dodger decided to move closer, plopping his body with a grunt between the two cuddling each other. Giselle reached down and gave him small scratches behind his ears as he stretched his body out, making her giggle softly at his carefree state. It was the first time she could remember being jealous of a dog. "You're a good boy, dodge." She whispered quietly.

"Hmm.." Chris stirred next to her, instinctively tightening his grasp, and leaning down to place a soft kiss on the top of her head. "What's wrong babe?" He asked clearing the sleep from his throat.

"Oh, uh nothing. Nothing. Go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you." Giselle responded, reaching up and playing with the patch of hair on his chest.

"C'mon tell me. You've been restless all night." Chris stated, leaning his head down to look at her face looking back up at him. "Talk to me."

Giselle readjusted to lie flat on her back and stared up at the ceiling, searching for the right words to explain how she was feeling. "I can still hear that officer in my head...and feel his hands on my body."

"Sweetheart. I'm so sorry." Chris expressed concerned with worry lines creasing on his face. He turned his body to hover over the side of her body, bringing his hand up to rub his thumb on her bottom lip and leaning in to kiss her nose. "I felt so helpless because all I could do was watch. God, I wanted to kill him."

Giselle raised her hand to softly rub his beard, trailing her fingertips along his jaw. "Chris don't blame yourself for that. There was nothing you could've done."

"That doesn't make me feel any better. I'm supposed to protect you and..." Chris argued, talking about what happened brought up his own feelings of insecurities.

"Hey. You came for me when I needed you most." Giselle cut him off, wanting to stop the spiral she could see him slipping into. "You got me home safely."

Chris groaned and looked deeply into the beautiful brown eyes he cherished so much. "What can I do now. I want to make you feel better."

Giselle moved her arms around his neck, weaving her fingers through his hair and pulled him down to rest his forehead on hers. Her eyes fluttered shut as she released a deep sigh. "You're already doing it baby. Just be here with me. That's all I need."

Chris closed the distance between their lips and Giselle relaxed her body when she felt him put the full weight of himself on top of her. It made her feel like he was holding all her pieces together. The kiss was soft and delicate, neither of them rushing but taking their time to relish in the feeling of being connected so intimately.

Chris kept his lips to hers and deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue across her mouth, asking for silent permission to go further. He blindly shooed Dodger off the bed so that he could maneuver his himself to rest between her legs. Giselle arched her back feeling his erection press against her cloth covered entrance.

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