Chapter 8

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Chris woke up Sunday morning to an empty bed. He sat up against the headboard and could see light spilling out from the ensuite. Kicking the sheets off his body he stood up and slipped on his grey boxer briefs that were on the floor by the end of the bed. He peeked his head into the bathroom but was confused when he found it empty.

"Giselle?" He called out into the apartment. He took a moment to listen for any clue of where she might be and finally picked up the faint sound of music. Curious, he followed the sound until he found himself in the entrance to the kitchen.

Chris stood back, hidden in the doorway, looking at the sight of Giselle dancing around the space as she grabbed food to prepare breakfast. Totally unaware that he was enjoying the scene unfold.

Giselle was barefoot, her hair was in a messy curly bun on the top her head and she was dressed in a baggy t-shirt that hung off her shoulder and a pair of panties that left little to the imagination. When she lifted herself up to grab something from a cabinet by the stove, the hem of the shirt raised up giving him a wonderful view of her heart shaped ass. He fought the instant arousal that was sent to his dick. Images from last night flashed through his mind.

Seeing that she was struggling to reach the top shelf, he took the opportunity to brush his body against hers.

"Oh my god." Giselle shrieked out when she was taken off guard. "Jesus, you scared me." She clasped her hands against her chest.

Chris stepped back and cupped her face in his hands, seeing the relief in her eyes that it was just him. "I'm sorry baby. I couldn't help myself." He smiled down at her as he leaned down to peck her lips. "Is this what you wanted?" He said handing her the spice container she had been reaching for.

"Yes, thank you." Giselle laughed, taking the pepper from his hand, and poking his chest playfully. "Oh, and I will get you back for that." She said giving him a suspicious side glance as she made her way back to the counter.

Chris grinned to himself as he followed her and snaked his arms around her waist as she started cracking eggs into a bowel. "Is there anything I can help with?" he whispered in between placing kisses against her neck.

"Do you even know how to cook?" Giselle said jokingly and turned her head to look up at him.

"Umm..." Chris chuckled lightly and tried to find the right words. "Cook, no but I can follow instructions."

Giselle turned her body and admired the boyish look on his face and shook her head at his silliness. She lifted herself, resting her arms around his neck and smoothed back his disheveled hair. "How about you cut up the veggies and I've got everything else."

"Yes Ma'am." Chris imitated his Captain America voice and fake saluted before he pressed their lips together. He pulled her closer to feel the softness of her body against him. He got carried away when his hands began to wander. He felt the velvet feeling of her skin against his fingertips as he explored under her shirt.

Giselle moved her hands against his bare chest and pulled back to catch her breath. Blush rushed to her cheeks, and she felt butterflies flood her stomach. As much as she wanted to go a little further while she had the free time to do so, she didn't want to get too carried away. The feelings that she felt for him excited her yes, but it also scared her. "Hey mister, let's get back to breakfast."

"Ugh, Fine." Chris dramatically groaned while stepping back and taking his place next to her at the counter. He picked up an onion, placed it on the cutting board and began dicing it up.

The two worked together to make veggie omelets. They moved around the kitchen as the music played on. Playfully brushing up against one another while they floated around.

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