Chapter 19

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1 month later

Giselle sat in front of her vanity in her lace black bra and panties, taking her time to apply make up to her face. She swept red lipstick across her lips, stroked mascara through her lashes, and covered her eye lids with shadow. She wore her hair in a braided half up style with her curls falling around her shoulders.

She moved on to her closet to slip on the maroon-colored sleeveless dress with lace around the waist and admired herself in the full length mirror against the wall.

Chris was away in L.A now that travel restrictions had been lifted. He had been there already for a week and a half and wasn't set to return for another month. He had been called in to begin work on an animated movie that he had been sworn to secrecy about.

To make up for missing Giselle's birthday, he made sure to send two dozen roses and an obnoxiously large teddy bear that had been sprayed with his cologne. She jokingly named the bear Jamal, paying homage to the nickname given to him by black women around the world.

Knowing that Chris was going to be gone on her birthday, Trina suggested she come over and have dinner and drinks. She said that they should both dress up to make up for the fact they couldn't go downtown for a fancy dinner and to a club like they normally would. Giselle agreed because she was in desperate need of a girl's night with her best friend.

"Jeremy are you ready baby?" Giselle said as she made her way to the living room, where he had been instructed to put on his shoes and wait for her to get ready.

"Yeah, I'm ready." He answered as he came to stand with her in the foyer. "You look beautiful mom."

Giselle couldn't help but blush at her son's compliment while she was bending over to put her black wedges on. "Thank you, baby!" She said as she bent down to kiss him on the cheek.

Jeremy grabbed his backpack sitting by the console table and Giselle grabbed her clutch before they headed out the door. Jeremy made sure to open the door for his mom. It was a gesture had picked up from Chris, seeing how he always did that for her whenever they would go anywhere together.

Giselle drove him to her mother's house and walked him up to the door before she got back in the car and headed to Trina's house.

Halfway there, a call came through on her car's dashboard displaying Chris' name. She pressed a button on her steering wheel to answer.

"Hey beautiful, are you on your way to Trina's?" Chris was the first to speak when the lines were connected.

"Yep, I'm in the car now. I just got off the interstate."

"Oh good. I just wanted to call and wish you happy birthday one more time. I'm so sorry I can't be there."

"Baby I told you earlier you have nothing to be sorry about. You can just make it up to me when you get home." Giselle said suggestively on the other end.

"Oh, I plan several different ways, over several hours."

"Oh, my god. We should stop before I get too worked up." Giselle admitted as she clenched her thighs together as dirty images in her mind stirred from his words.

"Tell me what you're wearing first."


"Alright alright. I've got to go back to set any way, but I love you and I'll call you tomorrow, make sure you have fun tonight."

"I love you too. But just a heads up. Don't respond to any drunk texts tonight."

"That depends on how dirty they are." Chris continued his flirting.

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