Chapter 25

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The sun was shining through the curtains of the east facing window. It slowly crept into the room, lighting up the walls around them. The only sound that could be heard around Giselle and Chris was their steady breathing as they laid wrapped up in each other. Her phone had gone off 30 minutes ago, confirming it was 6 am.

Giselle, Jeremy, Trina, and Jackson needed to be at the airport in 5 hours, but they needed to be at the airport in 2.

Yesterday was their last full day in California so they spent most of it around the home they were renting. They swam in the pool, played board games, and had dinner outside on the patio. Once Jeremy was put to bed, the adults stayed up with drinks in the hot tub. Trina and Giselle talked candidly about the dream wedding they would plan, while the men sat across from them drinking beer talking about sports. It was a nice relaxing day that prepared them to head back home to Boston.

Giselle was the first to attempt to pull away, but Chris arms wrapped around her back, kept her in place.

"Not yet. We have a little time left." Chris said softly as he maneuvered their bodies so that he was leaning over her. He ran his hand up slowly from her knee to her thigh and hooked it around his hip. He looked down into her brown eyes looking back at up at him. "Stay with me a little longer."

Giselle raised her hands, placing them on either side of Chris' face and pulled him down until his lips met hers. Their mouths moved together slowly and deliberately as the silence around them was filled with the moans that escaped their bodies. They each had every intention on taking their time to savor the feel of their bodies moving against one another.

Giselle widened her legs so that Chris could take his place between them. She could feel his erection despite the cloth barrier in the way. She reached down between them and put a finger in the band of his boxers to push them down his hips freeing his cock. She took it in her hand and pumped the smooth skin, feeling the veins that lined his length.

"Roll over." Giselle whispered in his ear, in between heavy breaths when she pulled away.

Chris obeyed moving his body to lie back on the bed, he relaxed as he felt Giselle kissing the sweet spot on his neck and felt himself grow harder as she began to trailing kisses down his body. Starting at his chest, his stomach, and last the tip of his cock. He sucked in a deep breath when he felt her take him into her mouth. "Shit." 

Giselle hummed, sending vibrations to his cock. She looked up at him under her lashes and connected with his blue eyes that were watching her intently. Whenever he would hit the back of her throat, she heard moans escape his mouth. When his cock was properly slick, she brought up a hand to move up and down with her mouth.

Chris raised a hand and weaved his fingers in her hair, pushing her head down until she gagged and had to pull away to take a breath. "Be a good girl and finish."

Giselle looked at him, raising an eyebrow and gave him a daring smile. Her tongue came out to lick the head of his cock before she took him back into her mouth, hollowing out her cheeks to suck with more pressure.

Chris put his hands back on her head to keep it in place as he lifted his head up to make her take every bit of him. "Just like that baby. Don't stop."

Giselle did as she was told and didn't stop. While one hand squeezed his cock, helping to add more pressure, the other reached down and massaged his balls. Each time she felt him jerk uncontrollably and his breathing became heavier, she knew that he was teetering on the edge. She took all of him into her mouth, removing her hand and swallowed around the tip.

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