Chapter 22

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2 weeks later

"Next." The TSA agent gave permission for Giselle to step forward in line.

"C'mon baby." Giselle said taking hold of Jeremy's hand to approach the desk. She took her wallet out of her purse, handing over her I.D and plane ticket to the agent. She had to pull her mask down so that he could verify it was her in the photo.

Once he handed it back to Giselle, she quickly threw it all back in her purse before moving to the security checkpoint. After waiting for 45 minutes in line she was seriously hating herself for turning down Chris' offer to fly them on a private plane but her "independent woman" mindset wouldn't let her accept.

When Giselle, Jeremy, Trina, and Jackson made it to their gate, they had no choice but to stand together next to the wall because all the seats had been taken. She looked at her phone and groaned when she saw they had another 30 minutes before boarding would start.

"Can we go get a snack?" Jeremy asked looking up at his mom, taking a pause from his iPad that he was watching YouTube videos on.

"Yeah baby, that's fine." Giselle agreed because it would pass the time while they waited. She grabbed Jeremy's hand and walked a few gates back to the shop that had every magazine ever made, neck pillows and refreshments. "Get whatever you want but not too much sugar."

Giselle left him at the wall with the chips and candy. She went on her way to the one with the magazines in the back. She figured with an 8-hour flight that she'd need at least one to keep her busy.

As she was browsing the variety in front of her, she rolled her eyes at celeb gossip magazines. Normally they weren't her thing, but she could flip through it once she finished her book.

"Mom, I got my snacks." Jeremy said behind her, pulling her attention away before she had time to choose the most interesting one.

"Sure baby, let's go." Giselle said as picked a magazine without looking and walked with him to the counter to pay.

"That'll be $15.80." The middle-aged woman wearing a name tag that read Marjorie.

Giselle fished her wallet out of her purse again to pay, trying not to roll her eyes at the ridiculous price for a total of 3 things.

They made their way back to their gate where Trina and Jackson were now sitting with two seats that were saved for her and Jeremy.

"Find anything good?" Trina asked as Giselle took the seat next to her.

"Just a gossip magazine." Giselle said nonchalantly as she stuffed it in her purse.

"Delta airlines flight 193 is now boarding, beginning with Section A through C." The service agent announced from behind the service desk.

Giselle looked at her tickets to double check to see if the message applied to them. "That's us. Grab your bag bubba." She said as she stood up from her seat.

Once the four of them made it on to the plane and their bags were in the overhead compartments, they settled in their seats to wait for the rest of the passengers to board as well. She had the window seat and Jeremy was in the middle next to an older woman. Trina and Jackson, we're a few rows back.

Soon the captain came on the speaker system and announced that they were departing soon. Giselle had always hated take-off and landing. She knew the odds of being in a car accident was more likely than a plane crash, but it always made her stomach knot up.

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