Chapter 13

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Chris held Giselle close while she rested her head on his chest, letting her get the sniffles and hiccups under control. He didn't want to rush her, so he just rested his cheek on the top of her head and rubbed her back.

Once Giselle was taking steady breaths again, she pulled away. She started stretching her neck muscles, shacking her arms, and prancing on her feet. The day had been rough on her and she just needed the nerves to go away. It felt good to let it all go.

Chris looked at her strangely, as he watched what looked like a little dance. He didn't quite know what he was looking at. "You good?" he asked with scrunched eyebrows and a smirk forming on his face.

"Who me? Yeah, I'm fine." Giselle stopped her movements and looked at him smiling after feeling relief. "I'm just...dancing it out."

Chris raised an eyebrow, letting go of a chuckle and shaking his head in amusement. "If you say so."

"What did you think I was doing?" She narrowed her eyes, curious as to what he was thinking.

Chris looked down at the ground as laughter grew from his chest. He thew his head back and brought up a hand to his chest.

Now Giselle was the one looking at him weirdly. She stood tilting her head to the side and her hands resting on her hips waiting for him to get through his episode. Not understanding what was so funny. "Are you going to tell me? Or..."

"Yeah. Sorry. Umm..." Chris said in between chuckles. "It's...just after everything that's happened today..." he caught his breath and stood up straight. "I thought maybe you had finally lost it and I was going to have to call the looney bin."

Giselle scoffed jokingly, her mouth gaping open and narrowed her eyes once again. "You thought I was crazy?" She said emphasizing the last word, coming forward to smack him playfully on the chest.

Chris couldn't help but laugh again as he brought his arms up to block her hits that didn't hurt in the least. He took hold of her wrists to stop her, but she struggled to get free. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry." He said wrangling her so that her back was pressed against his front. He wrapped his arms around her waist and started kissing the side of her neck.

"No. Get OFF of me." Giselle said still being stubborn but started to calm down when she felt his lips against her skin. Shivers ran down her spine and she leaned her body to rest against his chest. "Ok Fine. You're forgiven." She gave in and started rubbing her hands on his arms.

Chris continued the assault on her neck as his hands snuck their way under her shirt, caressing the soft skin of her stomach. "Do I have time to make it up to you?" his voice came deep from his chest.

"Hmm, well..." Giselle playfully pondered his question and pushed her ass against his growing bulge, earning a lustful moan from him. "I do need to get started on dinner soon, but I also have to shower, and you should probably get ready too."

"I think the responsible most sensible thing to do would be to share the shower..." Chris whispered softly in her ear. "You know to save time and of course the planet too." He chuckled flirtatiously.

Giselle's breath caught in her throat as she felt a familiar rush move from her stomach down to her center when he lightly bit down on her ear. "That's a very thoughtful idea Mr. Evans."

"I'll go check on Jeremy." He said releasing her from his hold to turn her back around to face him. His blue eyes traveled down her body and back up to meet her heavily lidded eyes. "Be a good girl and go get started." He pecked her lips before slapping her ass, causing her to bite down on her lip.

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