Chapter 41

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The party was being held in the ball room on the 20th floor. It was 2 hours until midnight so while there was a lot of people there, there was still ample space to move and walk around.

"There he is. The Unofficial sexiest man alive has arrived." Sebastian Stan greeted his favorite co-star of the past 11 years.

Chris cringed at the title, having never believed he was worthy to be lumped in with the many other men. "Seb. How are you?" He asked hoping to move the topic away from himself.

Sebastian stepped forward to give him a manly handshake and a hug. "I'm great man. It looks like you've been doing just fine too." He said as he stepped back and nodded his head at Giselle.

"I've been doing more than fine. This is Giselle. My fiancé." Chris said proudly as he rested a hand on the small of Giselle's back.

Giselle blushed at meeting Sebastian. While she was undoubtedly in love with Chris, she couldn't deny that she had a small crush on the Romanian actor. "Hi Sebastian." She said as she stuck her hand out.

Sebastian took her hand and kissed the top of her knuckles. He lifted his head and winked at her. "It's a pleasure Giselle. Any woman that can make this one settle down must be nothing short of a goddess."

"Very funny." Chris chimed in playfully unamused by the comment. "Yes, she is, so you better watch yourself." he warned as he pushed on Sebastian's shoulder.

Sebastian threw his hands up and laughed at the obvious territory marking. "Wouldn't think of its brother." He answered. "Only about half of the people I invited are here, so go get a drink, introduce your fiancé..."  He teased at the end but smiled and winked at Giselle.

Chris led Giselle her further into the room by placing his hand on the small of her back and toward the bar set up across the room next to the dance floor. "Two shots of jack, please?" Chris asked the bartender.

"Yes sir." The man said as he set two shot glass on the counter and began pouring the brown liquid into them.

"Chris." A woman shouted excitedly behind them.

Chris scrunched his face in confusion as he turned around to see who was calling his name. But it softened when he immediately recognized his old friend. "Abby." He said happily as he brought her in for a hug.

Giselle quietly stood back and watched their interaction. Chris embraced her like an old friend with no hesitation so she knew she could relax.

"Abby this is Giselle." Chris started introducing her. "She's, my fiancé." He said proudly as he wrapped an arm around Giselles waist and brought her closer.

Abby's face was pure shock. "Are you serious?"

Chris scoffed, annoyed at another person finding it unbelievable that he was settling down. "First Seb, now you."

Abby blinked her eyes and raised her eyebrows in disbelief. "I'm sorry I just..." she paused to shake her head from the confusion. "As long as I've known you which is pretty much your whole career; you've been in relationships but have never jumped" she said emphasizing the last word and using her fingers as parentheses.

"I wouldn't for any other woman but Her." Chris explained as he turned to kiss the side of Giselle's head.

Abby pursed her lips and nodded in understanding. "Well then I couldn't be happier for you."

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