Chapter 23

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Next Morning

"There you are." Chris said as he stepped out on the patio. He was wearing a tight white t-shirt that stretched over his chest, a pair of black basketball shorts and of course his chain hung from his neck. Giselle was wrapped in a blanket, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a book in the other. As soon as he made his presence known she looked at him with a smile before putting her book down and tapping the spot next to her. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I'm still on east coast time so I thought I'd get up and make some coffee." Giselle answered as she took another sip before placing the cup on the side table. She lifted her legs to lay across his lap and lifted a hand to brush back a piece of his hair that had fallen in his face. "I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No beautiful, I just didn't like waking up alone." He stated as he began rubbing his hands up and down the outside of her bare thighs. She was wearing a short pair of knitted shorts and an old, tattered tank top, with her hair in a long braid that fell over her right shoulder. "Did you at least get a good night sleep?"

"Mmhm. When you let me." Giselle said resting her head on his shoulder and looking up at him.

"I've gotta get my fill before you leave again in 3 days." Chris said flirtatiously as he leaned down to peck her lips. He started to move down her neck and jaw when the hair of his beard tickled her face. It caused her to giggle softly as she tried in vain to pull away but he had a hand on her hip keeping her in place.

"Mom." Jeremy shouted from inside the house, causing both Giselle and Chris to stop what they were doing and turn their heads to look in that direction.

"I'm out here baby." Giselle answered back with a raised voice so he could hear her from outside. She lowered her legs and scooted back against the arm of the sofa. "Good morning, sleepyhead."

"Good morning, Mommy. Hi Chris." Jeremy greeted both adults as he came outside and sat between them. "I'm hungry."

Giselle hugged her son around his body and kissed the side of his head. "What do you want for breakfast bubba?"

"Can we have French toast with whipped cream and fruit, and eggs and sausage and hash browns?" He rambled out all at once.

"Wow. That's a lot of food." Giselle stated surprised at his large request.

"Yeah. My tummy is growling." Jeremy said, patting his stomach and pouting a little.

"Well, we can absolutely not have that." Giselle said playfully as she gave him a tickle causing him to laugh and thrash around, trying to get out of her hold. Chris joined in and held him in place, laughing along with them. "Alright. How about you go inside and get some juice and we'll be right in?" once she calmed her attack.

"Ok Mommy." Jeremy agreed as he gave his mother and Chris a quick hug before hopping down and heading inside.

Once he was out view, Chris leaned in again to lovingly assault Giselle's neck. "Mmm. French toast does sound good." He whispered in the hollow of her neck and pulled her legs back into his lap.

Giselle gave herself a moment to enjoy it as she leaned her head back, exposing her neck for him to give better access and her fingers ran down his beard. She moved her body so that she was straddling him, making herself comfortable and resting her arms around his shoulders. Chris pressed her center against him by taking a hold of her hips before moving his lips up to hers. Their mouths hummed as they kissed softly, and their tongues danced together. Before it could go much further, she pulled away, getting off his lap to stand in front of him and offered her hand to help him. "C'mon, I can't have both my boys dying of hunger."

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