Chapter 28

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"I wanna watch Frozen 2."

"I wanna watch onward."

"I wanna watch toy story."

Stella, Ethan and Jermey all shouted their movie choices at once as they all gathered in the living room for a sleep over. Once the party was over the kids weren't ready to part yet so they teamed up and begged Chris to stay the night. Their faces were too cute to resist.

"What about you Myles? Is there anything you want to watch?" Giselle asked the little boy who was sitting quietly on the floor against the front of the couch.

Myles thought for a second and shrugged his shoulders. "I want to watch something with dinosaurs."

Giselle thought about what the best solution was and was coming up empty. She looked over to Chris who was sitting on the couch with his leg crossed over the other, lost in his phone. "How do you think we should choose?" She asked trying to bringing him back to reality.

"Huh?" Chris asked looking up, finally aware they were waiting on his attention.

"We can't settle on a movie. How do you think we should decide?"

"Hmm. there's always ennie, meenie, minnie, mo?"


"What? You asked." Chris said shrugging his shoulders at the the question.

"Ok. Fine. You do it then. I'm going to make some popcorn." Giselle stated as she turned away and walked to the kitchen.

10 minutes later she walked back into the living room. The lights had been dimmed and each of the kids were spread out on the floor with pillows and blankets watching the beginning of the movie. Giselle placed a large bowel in front of of them to share and then went to join Chris on the couch. She got comfortable leaning against the arm and pulled her feet up to lay across his lap.

"Which one won?"

"Technically dinosaurs but I chose the movie. I thought it was time for them to watch a classic." Chris explained as he rested his arm on top of her legs and leaned to cuddle into her body as nuzzled his head on her chest.

"Which classic?" Giselle inquired as she looked down at him. The intro music at the start of the movie started playing and she instantly knew which one. "Land before time? This was my favorite when I was growing up."

"It was one of mine too."

All throughout the movie the kids were on edge. They laughed at the funny parts, cheered on the characters when they did something courageous and cried during the sad parts too.

"How did everyone like it?" Chris asked as he sat up to stop the movie with the remote.

"It was funny but it was also sad. I didn't like that his mom died." Jermey stated softly from his spot on the floor. "Are you going to die one day mom?"

Giselle was taken back by the question. She never thought that was going to come out of his mouth. "C'mere baby." She summoned him over while she sat up on the couch.

Jermey climbed into her lap and gave her a tight hug around the neck.

Giselle was quiet for a moment thinking of what exactly to tell her son. "That's not something you need to worry about ok. It's a long long long time away."

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