Chapter 24

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"Go slow baby. Don't hit the sides." Giselle encouraged her son as he attempted to extract the pail of water from the operation game sitting on the coffee table in the living room of Chris' house.

Buzz buzz.

"Aw man." Jeremy said solemnly as he failed to remove the small piece of plastic from the board game.

"Why don't you try one more time." Chris offered as he sat crossed leg with his elbows on the piece of furniture.

Jeremy kept the small tweezers in his hand and once again tried to lift it from the small hole without touching the sides. This time he was able to gently lift the piece up and out without the red nose on the classic characters nose lighting up. "Yes. I did it." He exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and celebrating.

"Good job bubba!" Giselle said as she looked up to Jeremy who was so proud that he was finally able to succeed. Just then he let out a big yawn. "Uh oh. Looks like it's time for bed." She looked at the time on her phone and was surprised that it was already 10 o'clock.

"But I want to play one more time. Please?" Jeremy begged.

"Not this time baby. It's already passed your usual bedtime." Giselle said gently as she stood up and made her way around the table to push him in the direction of the guest room that he would be sleeping in. "Besides, don't you want to be well rested for our day at Disney land tomorrow?"

"Ugh yeah. But can Chris read me a bed story?" Jeremy asked as he paused at the beginning of the hallway.

"You don't want me to? I always read to you when you're getting ready for bed." Giselle asked her son, surprised at the question.

"Yeah, but I want Chris to tuck me in this time." Jeremy explained as Chris stood from his position on the floor and made his way over to join the two.

"Sure bud. Go get into some pajamas and pick out a book and I'll be right in." Chris suggested as he came to stand next to Giselle as he pulled her closer by resting his arm around her back and waist.

"Ok. Don't take too long." Jeremy said as he continued toward the room.

"Wouldn't dream of it kid."

The two adults watched Jeremy go into the room at the end of the hall on the left. Giselle turned her body to wrap her arms around Chris' center to lay her head on his chest. Chris brought his other arm up, pulling her closer and leaning down to leave a kiss on the top of her head. He breathed in deeply, smelling the scent of her hair still mixed with the smell of the beach even after she had taken a shower 2 hours ago.

"Do you need to be put to bed too?" Chris asked softly as he rocked their bodies gently.

"Yeah." Giselle managed to get out as she let out a large yawn and squeezed her eyes tightly from the strength of it. "I think the day is finally catching up to me." She admitted as felt the exhaustion take over her body.

"Yeah, the margaritas probably made it worse." Chris stated as he chuckled to himself. "Go lay down and I'll go take care of Jeremy."

Giselle looked up at him, the tiredness was written all over her face. "Ok baby. I can't promise I won't fall asleep."

"That's ok sweetheart. I'll be in soon to join you." Chris agreed as he leaned down and pecked her lips. "I'm goin' to wash the ocean off of me, so don't wait up."

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