Chapter 6

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The nail salon smelled like acetone and nail polish. The rows of massage chairs were taken up by patrons on their Wednesday afternoon lunch. The flat screen tv's mounted to the wall were playing a variety of tv shows.

Giselle sat next to her best friend Trina as she scrolled through her phone, reading the latest news on the newly announced virus Covid 19. For the past two weeks now, the news had done constant coverage on spreading infections. The entire country was on edge with state, local and international governments making warnings of public shutdowns and Quarantine.

"Are you going to be taking Jeremy anywhere for spring break?" Trina asked as she took another sip of her glass of Rose.

"I was planning on taking him to Disney World, but I'm worried about this Corona virus thing." Giselle sighed and put her phone down next to her on the ledge.

"This thing will probably blow over in a couple of weeks. From what I've heard them describe it just sounds like a bad cold." Trina stated while rolling her eyes and waving her hand in the air nonchalantly.

"I don't know Trina, have you heard the rumors about shutdowns?"

"Yes, and I think they're saying it just to scare us. I really don't think we have anything to worry about."

Giselle shook her head at her best friend but didn't think it was worth going on about. Part of her thought maybe she was right but part of her was also worried about how things could change.

An alert from Giselle's phone notified her that she had a text message. She picked it up and instantly a smile spread across her face.

"Hey Beautiful, are you free to facetime?"

"Oooh, Is that lover boy?" Trina teased as she looked over Giselle's shoulders and spying on her phone.

Giselle pulled the phone closer to chest attempting hide the messages. "Yes, it is." Blush took over her face and her stomach was overtaken by butterflies.

Over the last two weeks, Giselle and Chris had texted, talked over the phone and faced time every possible free time they had. Most nights they would stay up clear past 1 in the morning getting to know each other better and laughing. Nothing was off limits. They talked about growing up, religion, politics and dreams for the future. Giselle still had her insecurities about if she was good enough for him but the more, they got to know each other more she learned to open her heart more to the possibility that he was falling just as hard as her.

"Yes, I'm free." Giselle turned her attention back to her phone.

As soon as the text was sent from her phone, it lit up with an incoming call. Chris' face popped on the screen when she accepted, and she could see that he was dressed up in a suit, looking very professional.

"I had a few minutes before I meet the next senator and wanted to see your face."

"Hi, Chris!" Trina shouted from her chair.

Giselle tilted her phone so that Chris was able to see her too. Trina waved her fingers and blew a kiss.

"Hi Trina." Chris greeted back, chuckling to himself.

Giselle rolled her eyes and brought the phone back to her face. "How are the meetings going? Have you gotten any yeses?"

"A few. I think we're making good progress. Mark and I have been doing our best trying to sell the website."

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