Chapter 26

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"Your seat has been changed to first class ma 'me." The blonde airline agent said as she scanned the ticket Giselle had given her.

"Excuse me? It should be economy." Giselle questioned as she looked at the woman standing behind the desk. "What do you mean it's been changed to first class?"

The woman began typing on her computer behind the desk that was situated just left of the gate. "It says here that your ticket and your son's ticket were changed to first class 30 minutes ago. The upgrade fee has already been paid."

Giselle squinted her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. It didn't take more than a moment for her to figure out that somehow Chris had been the one to change her flight reservation. Instead of overthinking the situation and holding up the line any longer, she grabbed Jeremy's hand and headed down the platform. "C'mon baby."

Immediately when stepping over the threshold into the aircraft, they were greeted by the smiling faces of the flight attendants; one man and women that were dressed in their business mandated uniforms.

"Can I help you find your seat miss?" The male flight attendant asked as he observed Giselle peeking around him into the notoriously luxurious and spacious first-class section of the plane.

"Uh yeah. My seat was apparently upgraded to first class. I'm not sure where my new seat is."

"You must be Ms. Gibson. Your seat is right this way. Please follow me." The man said as he led the way down the row, stopping 4 sections back. "Here you go. Make yourself comfortable and we'll be around soon to serve you."

"Oh ok." Giselle timidly as she allowed Jeremy to take the seat in the middle before settling into the seat next to the aisle.

"Hey girl. Hey." Trina greeted her as she strolled in with Jackson right behind her, who took the spot at the window seat.

"Are you guys sitting in this section too?" Giselle asked looking up at her friend.

"Yep." Trina stated as she took the seat across the aisle from her. "Remind me to put Chris in my wedding."

Once the plane made its departure and lifted to the air, Giselle relaxed in her seat but not fully. Her anxiety was still elevated from being hounded by the paparazzi on the way into the airport.

It wasn't long before a woman apart of the crew stopped by her seat. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"I'll just have a water, but do you have any snacks for my son?" Giselle asked politely, looking into the green eyes staring back at her.

"Yes, we have Bischoff cookies or pretzels."

"Can we have two of each?"

"Of course." The flight attendant confirmed as she grabbed the snacks before filling a cup with ice and bottled water. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

"No that's..." Giselle started as she was handed the cup but was cut off by her best friend.

"She'll have a glass of white wine." Trina chimed in as she leaned against the armrest.

The innocent woman looked between the two confused. "Would you like a glass of wine?" She asked looking at Giselle for confirmation on how to proceed.

Giselle rolled her eyes and smacked her lips in annoyance but gave in quickly when she agreed a glass of wine would help her nerves level out. "Yes please."

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