Chapter 34

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As soon as Giselle made it to her car she relaxed against the seat and took deep breaths to calm herself down. She had every intention of calling Chris back, but she needed a minute to collect herself. She felt terrible for how she ended the call. She felt worse when she imagined that he was beating himself up unnecessarily.

Giselle found her phone in her purse and cursed under breath when she saw she already had two missed calls and a text from him.

Giselle pulled up his contact and hit call.

"Elle don't ever end a call like that again. You can't do that to me. It's no different from you walking away. I told you I don't like that shit." Chris said angrily as soon as he answered the phone. He had lit another cigarette and had walked down the city street for a little more privacy. He was pacing and not paying any attention to the people passing him as they gave him suspicious looks. "Do you think I want to miss our first Christmas together? And then you just go and shut me down. How do you think that makes me feel?"

Giselle agreed that he had every right to be upset. She had disrespected him again and made him feel like she could just easily put him aside. "Chris I'm sorry..."

"You should be. I deserve better than that." Chris cut her off as continued expressing how dejected he felt.

"Chris. I'm sorry but just let me finish." Giselle pleaded. She needed to speak her peace. She took his silence as the ok to speak again. "You're right. I was wrong and I want to make it absolutely clear that I am not mad at you. I'm not used to having to spend so much time away from the person I'm dating. It's going to take time for me to adjust."

Chris was still upset but did see her side to things. He knew this was all new to her, but his stomach twisted in knots thinking this might be something that would eventually come between them. "Listen I know. Normally the women that I've dated have the same lifestyle so It's easy to forget you don't. But we can make this work." He finished with a little desperation at the end.

"I know we can." Giselle agreed as she turned her head to the window and watched other patrons go in and out of the mall. "When you get home, I'll have a surprise for you."

"What kind of surprise?" Chris asked smiling to himself, thinking of what she could mean.

"Well obviously I can't tell you or it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" Giselle teased him from the other end. She knew that he would drive himself crazy trying to figure it out.

"Hey Chris, are you coming back inside?" His costar yelled from down the street after it hadn't gone unnoticed that he had been gone longer than 20 minutes.

"Yeah, I'm just finishing up." Chris yelled back. "Hey sweetheart, I've gotta get back inside but I love you. Please remember that."

"I love you too baby." Giselle returned the affection before hanging up. She gathered her things to leave the car and headed back inside. She made her way to the lingerie store and found the saleswoman that had helped her before. "Excuse me. I left in a rush earlier, but can I buy the white one of the set I tried on?"

"Absolutely." The saleswoman said as she headed back to the table and grabbed the garment she had just refolded. "Did you want the slip and the stockings that go with it too?"

Giselle paused for a second thinking of the surprise she was constructing in her head for Chris and thought it would only more sexiness to what she had planned. "Yes, I would. Thank You.

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