Chapter 18

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2 weeks later

Giselle was woken up by the alarm on her phone, which was laying on the nightstand next to Chris' bed. When she turned toward his side, she could see he was already gone. From the coolness of his pillow, she could tell that he had been gone for quite a bit.

After turning off the intruding sound of the phone, she threw the covers off of herself and went on a search to find Chris.

As Giselle moved through the large house, she was greeted by Dodger. She bent down to give him some love. "Hey bud, let's go find daddy. C'mon let's go." She encouraged the brown and white dog to follow her.

It wasn't too long before she found a very focused Chris sitting in front of his MacBook in his home office with music playing out of the speakers. Giselle stood behind his chair and bent down to rest her arms around his shoulders. "How's the launch going baby? She asked as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.

Chris turned in his chair from the desk and directed Giselle to sit across his lap. He wrapped one arm around her waist, while the other ran up and down her thighs. "It's off to a good start but we still have a while to go before we just sit back and wait." Chris released a deep sigh and nestled his face in to her neck.

"Have you had breakfast?" Giselle asked as she ran her fingers through the hair on the back of his head. "I can make you some eggs and toast?"

"That would be nice baby. Thank you." Chris stated lifting his head to look up at her.

Giselle leaned down and closed the distance between them to connect their lips. Her free hand came up and ran over his beard. The kiss lingered but was soft and not rushed. "Do you want coffee too?" Giselle asked pulled back to look down into his tired eyes.

"Yeah, bring me some coffee too."

"Ok. I'll be right back." Giselle said as she attempted to lift up from his lap but wasn't able to move because Chris was holding her in place. "You'll starve if you don't let me go." Giselle smiled and giggle at his possessiveness.

"That sounds like an honorable death to me." Chris stated jokingly and squeezed his arms around her center.

"You goofball." Giselle teased as she once again brought their mouths together again in a lingering kiss. "Now let me go."

"Ugh only because I have to." Chris reluctantly gave in and released her from his grasp. As soon as she stood to head toward the kitchen he couldn't help to smack her on the ass, earning him an over the shoulder smile from her.

Giselle went to the kitchen and grabbed the eggs and milk from the refrigerator and toast from the pantry to start on breakfast for the both of them. When she was done she delivered the food to his office earning her another kiss before she headed to the living room to start on her own work.

Over the past two weeks she had stayed with Chris at his house, deciding to take advantage of Jeremy's time with his dad. They stayed up until late hours of the night talking until one of them would fall sleep then wake up to have sex in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning but also sometimes both.

Often times when Giselle was awake in bed because she couldn't turn her mind off, she'd lie there and think about the little bubble they had created for themselves. She knew that eventually they'd have to go back to their normal lives once the world was released from the pandemic but she wondered how that would change their relationship.

Giselle had gotten attached to Chris so quickly because the things that would normally keep her occupied had become limited due to restrictions. They were able to focus more time on exploring each other but she worried she wouldn't be able to handle lots of time away from him. she knew herself well enough to know she preferred to be close to her partners. She also worried she wouldn't be able to handle the intrusion of the press on her life or Jeremy's for that matter.

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