Chapter 42

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Giselle reached the elevator and pressed the button with urgency like her life depended on it. When it finally opened she barely gave any time at all for the people occupying it exit before she stepped inside.

"Giselle. Baby wait. I can..." Chris pleaded loudly as he raced to catch her before the doors closed but he was too late.

When Giselle reached the lobby she hurried to the coat check. "Can I have my jacket please?" She requested as she pulled the ticket from her clutch.

The coat attendant seeing she was upset and close to tears took the ticket from her hands and quickly left to look for the coat.

As Giselle waited she pulled out her phone and started looking for flights out of New York and back to Boston. Seeing nothing flying out until 6 am, she cursed under her breath.

"Miss. Here's your coat." The young man alerted her and handed it over. "Are you going to be ok?" He asked concerned.

Giselle's lip trembled when just a small bit of realization hit her. She swallowed it down and took a deep breath, the last thing she wanted was to breakdown in front of a stranger. "Thank you. I will be." She said as she accepted her coat and slipped it on.

Giselle walked out on the sidewalk and to the curb. She raised her hand in an attempt to hail one of the many cabs that were passing by.

"Giselle thank god. Please let me explain." Chris begged but was out of breath from taking the flight of stairs from the top floor. "It's not what you think it is."

Giselle pulled the coat tightly around herself to keep warm and turned away from him. "Please leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Tough shit. You're talking to me whether you like it or not. We promised each other we would talk our problems out." Chris said coming around to stand in front of of her.

"What is there to talk about. You knew I felt uneasy about your past relationship with her. And instead of telling me the truth you lied and said there was nothing to worry about. That you were just friends." Giselle said with anger running through her body.

"You don't have anything to worry about. And she was just a friend."

"I don't know about you but I sure as hell don't fuck my friends." Giselle shouted as she turned away once again to walk down the street and away from him.

"Ana and I never dated. We hooked up on set but it never went passed that." Chris explained as he caught up with her and pulled her arm to make her face him again.

Giselle ripped her arm away and walked to the curb again. "I can't believe that you don't get it..." her words were cut off by the cry breaking through at the thought of him with Ana. Just thinking her name made her stomach twist in knots. "You lied to me. I don't care that you fucked her. You had every chance to tell me that you were more than just friends and every time you decided not to."

"I'm sorry Giselle. I don't know what to say. I thought I was protecting what we had. I never wanted to lie to you." Chris said as he poured his heart out, hoping it was enough to make her see that even though he had omitted the truth, he did it with good intentions. "Please forgive me?" He begged as he reached for her hand and brought it to his mouth to kiss her palm.

Giselle took a moment to compose herself. As upset as she was at him, her heart wanted to forgive him. She wanted to be held by the man standing in front of her because he was the only one that made her feel better when she felt lost. But the reality was that he was the reason she felt lost in the first place. "I cant forgive you right now. I don't trust you." She stated as she pulled her hand away and walked into the street just behind a car and waved her hand at a passing cab. "Taxi." She shouted loudly and felt relief when the vehicle stopped. She quickly got in and closed the door before asking the driver to go.

Chris stood on the sidewalk with a broken heart but he knew it was all his doing. He hated himself for not telling her the truth from the beginning but he was so afraid of exactly this happening.

Chris turned around with slumped shoulders and walked back into the lobby. He stopped at the coat attendant and requested his coat. As he was shrugging it on, he spotted Abby exiting the elevator and then walking toward him.

"Chris you fucking idiot. What did you do?" She asked, skipping past pleasantries.

Chris threw his head back, closing his eyes tightly and huffing out a big breath. "Like you said I'm an idiot. I downplayed my previous relationship with Ana and it just bit me in the ass."

"What do you mean downplayed? What did you tell her?" Abby asked for clarification.

"I only told her that Ana and I were just friends. I left out the fact that we had sex when we worked together." Chris explained as he hung his head in embarrassment.

"So you omitted the truth? She has every right to be upset with you."

"Don't you think I know that. I thought by telling her we were just friends that I could avoid all this." Chris stated as he now started feeling tears forming at the edges of his eyes. "She said she doesn't trust me now. I don't know what to do."

Abby was quiet as she thought of what she could tell him. She was upset him on behalf of Giselle but he was still her friend so a small part of her felt bad for him because even though it was maybe one of the dumbest fuck ups, she knew he didn't intentionally mean for all this to happen. She stepped forward and brought him in for a hug. "You're going to have to grovel. You're going to have to convince her to give you another chance but I can tell you now it's not going to be easy."

Chris let go of her, keeping his head low and nodding his head in agreement. "Do you have any suggestions?" He asked hoping for a good place to start.

"No. I'm sorry. I don't. This is your mess and you're going to have to figure this out on your own." Abby said apologetic, empathizing with his situation.

"Right." Chris said softly as he took out his phone to look at the time. "I should head back to the hotel."

"Good luck. I hope it's fixable." Abby provided her encouragement.

"Yeah me too." Chris said before walking toward the door again, hoping he could rectify his mistake.


Hey everyone one again. I guess all I needed to do was rip the bandaid off because this chapter was way easier to write and I've already got ideas for the next one.

So what do you guys think. Should she forgive him? Will it be easy for Chris to build that trust again? What would you do in this situation if you were Giselle?

Give me your thoughts!

As always if you liked or even loved what you read, please leave me a comment, vote, add to your reading list and/or share. Whenever I see any of those things it sincerely makes my day.

Love y'all bye 😘

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