Chapter 50

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Giselle was startled awake from her deep sleep on the plane by the feeling of someone softly shaking her shoulder. "Hmm?"

"We've landed at Logan airport." The flight attendant informed her.

"Oh ok. Thank you." Giselle responded as she blinked her eyes a couple of times before reaching down and grabbing her purse, she had kicked beneath the seat in front of her. She reached up and grabbed her bag from the overhead compartment and headed up the ramp.

As Giselle made her way down through the crowds of other travelers, she pulled out her phone to call Trina.

"Hey Elle. Have you landed?" Trina asked as soon as the line picked up.

"Yeah, I'm walking through the airport now through gate b. Where are you parked?"

"I'm on level 3 in the east parking lot in section H, row 10."

"Jesus, could you have parked farther away." Giselle groaned when she realized she had to walk to the complete opposite side from where she currently was.

"Oh, shut it. You're lucky I'm here to pick you up at midnight."

"I know. I know. I'm just tired."

"Well walk fast princess. Oh, and while you're headed this way grab me a coffee. Venti, blonde, 4 shots of expresso and 4 pumps each of vanilla and caramel syrup."

"Anything else?" Giselle asked annoyed. She bumped shoulders with a stranger and held up a hand to show she was sorry. "Jack ass." She mumbled when the man gave her a dirty look before waking away.

"Excuse me?" Trina said offended when she heard the slur.

"No. Not you. I bumped into someone, and I tried to apologize but he was a dick." Giselle explained as she continued on her way. "I see a Starbucks now. I'll be there in probably 30."

"Ok. Call me when you made it to the parking lot. Love you."

"Ok. Bye. Love you too." Giselle said as she ended the call and found a spot in line. She took her bag off her shoulder and placed it at her feet before scrolling though her contact again to call Chris.

Each time the line rang her stomach twisted in knots, making Giselle nauseous. When the phone went to voicemail, she hung up not wanting to leave anything she wanted to say on a recorded message.

It's another 15 minutes before Giselle was able to order the drink and continue on her way. She caught the train between concourse B and C to take it to concourse E where she would find Trina.

Giselle made it to the 3 level of the east parking garage and walked until she found the row and section Trina had told her. As she got closer she spotted her best friend leaning against her car, she picked up her pace.

When Giselle and Trina were standing in front of each other they both quickly stepped forward to embrace.

"Oh my god I missed you so much." Trina was the first to speak as she still held tightly to Giselle.

"I'm sorry I took off. I just..." Giselle began to explain before she was cut off.

"Shhh. I'm just glad you're back." Trina said softly as she pulled back and cradled Giselles face in her hands. "Have you talked to Chris?"

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