Chapter 43

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Giselle was the first to arrive at the hotel. She entered and immediately went to the bathroom. She stripped off her dress and let it drop to the floor at her feet. She let down her hair and shook it out with her fingers.

Giselle grabbed a washcloth and a towel before turning on the water for the shower. Minutes passed as she went over all the new information she learned that night about Chris.

Not only did she find out the truth about Ana but she also was told that before her, he led a very different life and apparently had quite the reputation for sleeping with his costars. While she didn't care he had been with other women. That would be unreasonable of her but her thoughts were leading her down the road of thinking maybe their relationship had been one of convenience for him.

Giselle and Chris had met at the beginning of the pandemic and while he pursued her before lockdowns began, would she have been able to hold his attention if there were other women that were available? Or did he settle for her?

Giselle hated that it bothered her but now that Chris had lied to her, did he lie about other things? Did he really love her as much as he said he did? If they got married, was it forever or just until the next woman came along.

Giselle didn't question that her feelings were real. She knew that the deep feelings for him were something she had never experienced before but now that she was unsure about him, it made her want to put walls up to protect herself.

Giselle finished her shower and traveled out to the bedroom area to find something to sleep in. She picked a white tank top and a pair of black shorts. When she was dressed, she pulled out her phone and dialed Trina's number.

"Happy New Years Elle!" Trina squealed as soon as the lines were connected. "I see that Chris popped the question and you didn't tell your best friend before you announced it to the whole world but don't worry I forgive you because of course I'll be your maid of honor. And oooh we can go wedding dress shopping together." Trina rambled on, clearly the alcohol was affecting her.

Giselle didn't say anything, not knowing exactly where to start. How do you tell your best friend that what should've been the one of the best nights of her life was now one of the worst. "Happy new year Trina." She faked enthusiasm and decided to not mention it yet, until she could work out her feelings.

"Are you so happy? How did he do it? It was romantic right? I bet it was romantic."

"Yeah it was...romantic." Giselle struggle to get the last word out as her façade was beginning to fail.

"You have to send me a picture of the ring. I'm betting it's beautiful and bigger than mine." Trina continued on, not picking up on the change in Giselles voice.

"Of course. I'll send it over before I go to bed." Giselle agreed as she laid down in the bed with her head resting on the pillows.

"Yay! I can't wait to see you. Jackson and I will come over and we'll celebrate."

Giselles lip trembled, not knowing if they would have anything to celebrate by the time she got home. "Ok sweetie. I'm tired so I'm going to go to bed. I love you."

"Love you too babe." Trina returned the sentiment before hanging up.

Giselle stared up the ceiling and let the exhaustion take over her body. She turned her body and settled into the plush mattress and comfy pillow before quietly falling asleep.

Chris finally arrived back at the hotel after waiting nearly 20 minutes for his driver to arrive and the car navigating through the crowded city streets. When he was standing at the room door he checked his phone and saw it was a quarter to two.

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