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Chris and Trina sat silently transfixed on Giselle as she cleaned the kitchen. Spraying the counters with disinfectant, sweeping the floor and even getting down on her hands and knees to scrub the tile.

"It's your turn." Chris mumbled softly before taking another sip of his beer. "The last time I tried to get her to sit down, she made me sleep on the couch for 3 nights."

"Nuh uh. You owe me for the meltdown over the strollers." Trina challenged him, not taking her eyes off her best friend that was in her third week of nesting. "Not to mention when I spent the night here for two weeks while you were away filming."

"Oh C'mon, please? I'm already going to be the focus of her anger when she goes into labor." Chris whined, hoping Trina would take pity on him. "I paid for your bachelorette party to Miami."

Trina scoffed at him and smacked her lips. "No." She said with finality.

"Ugh. Fine." Chris said frustrated and turned to put his fist out. "Rock, paper, scissors."

"You're a child."

"Just do it."

Trina and Chris both shook their fists up and down until each of them threw out a hand gesture.

Trina had a rock while Chris chose paper. Next she picked scissors while he stuck with the same choice. The last round Trina lost by changing her hand to paper at the last minute and Chris finally switched to scissors.

"Shit." Trina cursed and slapping the marble counter top with a loud smack.

"What are you two arguing about?" Giselle questioned as she stood up from the floor, slightly winded and leaned against the kitchen island.

"Sweetie. Don't you think it's time to take a break?" Trina suggested in her calmest voice. "You've cleaned the whole house twice today."

"Yeah I know and it's still not clean enough." Giselle protested as she turned to the counter behind her to grab more paper towels. She picked up the disinfectant again and started spraying the stove.

Trina got up from her seat and stood behind Giselle watching her wipe away the imaginary dirt. "Ok. Enough of that." She said as she reached around and grabbed the spray bottle out of her hand.

"Hey. I'm only two weeks away from my due date and I'll be damned if my baby comes home to a cess pool of germs." Giselle raised her voice as she tried to snatch it back.

Trina put it behind her back and backed away. "Elle. Listen to me. You're going to sit your butt down in that living room on the couch with your feet up and you're not going to move until dinner time."

"And who's going to finish cleaning?" Giselle asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You two?"

"Yes. We can if you would let us." Chris chimed in as he also got up to join them. He came around the other way to stand behind Giselle. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and rest his hands on her swollen belly. "You need to rest. Like you said you're two weeks away from bringing our baby into this world. You need to save your strength."

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