The Underground

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The familiar rattle of the underground echoes along the tiled walls around you as you lower your suitcase onto the floor.

The suitcase was filled with all your school stuff ready to start another year of boarding, however, something other than school was currently on your mind

Adjusting your tie, you glance back to see the crowd dissipating after the fight had finished.

You had never actually seen a real life fight before, you had always thought that sort of stuff only happened in films.

Even though you weren't the one throwing the punches, you still felt that buzz of adrenaline whilst you were watching in.

Your face was flustered and you had to adjust your hair to make it look smart again. However it seemed that you could never get it as perfect as it was earlier. Eventually, you gave up with manners leaning yourself against the wall casually.

Just as you pressed your back to the cold tiled wall, you noticed four friends push past you and sit down on the bench beside you.

Your eyes followed them as they walked by.

By observing them you could tell they were, in fact, siblings and that one of them was the boy who was in the fight earlier.

There were two girls and two boys.

The eldest boy was blonde and had a cut lip from his previous brawl. He must've been about seventeen, possibly even eighteen. He was the tallest and held himself as if he was especially important even though judging by the way he was hit, he probably wasn't.

The second oldest was a girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She looked calm, intellectual and kind. She was most likely around sixteen but she looked older. It clearly wouldn't be that hard to mistake her for the eldest of her family.

The third oldest and second youngest was a frustrated looking boy with messy hair a little darker than his sister's. He looked around fourteen but could've been a little older. He had piercingly deep brown eyes that looked as if they held secrets or just a different opinion from his careless façade.

The youngest looked surprisingly optimistic. She was probably around eleven but hadn't lost her childlike innocence just yet. She had brown hair and a sweet looking smile plastered onto her face.

Just looking at the four and watching them chat about utter rubbish made you realise how much you wanted siblings.

Sadly, you were an only child with parents who were fighting in the war so you were getting pretty lonely these days. Especially since you didn't have that many friends.

You sigh, looking down at the ground when you got that spine-tingling sensation that someone was watching you.

You look back up, making eye contact with the brown haired boy. He looked at you sternly, as if judging you.

Why was he staring at you now?

You weren't a social person but you knew that you had to say something. After all, you had to make some friends somehow.

You start to open your mouth as you rack your brain for an adequate witty remark but get distracted by the youngest in the boy's family who had let out a squeal.

She sprung up from the subway bench as if she'd been electrocuted.

"Oww! Something pinched me!" She pointed accusingly at the wall just as the oldest let out a sharp cry.

"Hey! Stop pulling!" He said, whining at his younger brother who shook his head.

"I'm not touching you." He blatantly said, clearly a little annoyed that his brother was blaming him.

"W-What is that?" The eldest girl says, standing up with her siblings just as another train made its way into the station.

"Feels like magic." The youngest said hopefully.

You weren't sure if you were hearing them properly anymore, the noise of the tube was making you feel dizzy.

The lights above you began to swing as tiles were slowly ripped away from the walls.

You almost felt like fainting when the train had left the station.

In fact, you didn't feel like fainting. You were fainting.

You hit the ground with a clunk, slightly unnerved as to why it felt like sand and how you could hear the noise of birds twittering.

Your last thought was that you must've been going crazy before you completely blacked out.

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